Newbie recording macros in AutoCAD

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Steve M (remove wax for reply), Nov 8, 2003.

  1. I have an acquaintance (via email and discussion group) who has the
    job of translating about 500 AutoCAD drawings from English to another
    language (I think German). He is an experienced computer user, but
    not with AutoCAD, so the customer sent him a computer with AutoCAD
    loaded on it. I don't know what version, but it's probably 2000 or
    later (I asked him, but he hasn't answered yet.)

    A lot of the text is repetitive, so he's looking into macros to
    partially automate the text.

    His client will not allow the drawings to be sent to another provider,
    nor install any other software on their computer.

    Can somebody point to some guidelines on AutoCAD Programming for
    Dummies? He basically only needs a way to execute about a few dozen
    commands like this one.

    replace this text: XXX with this text: YYY.

    Steve M (remove wax for reply), Nov 8, 2003
  2. You're going to have to be more specific that that. F1 is a good place to
    There are lisp routines to find and replace text, but I don't think a macro
    alone is going to do it.
    Michael Bulatovich, Nov 8, 2003
  3. Steve M (remove wax for reply)

    Mark Guest

    in the edit menu there is the find and replace command, use that if its as
    repetative as you say.

    Mark, Nov 10, 2003
  4. He is using Find and Replace right now. But there are about 500
    drawings. A lot of the replacements are the same in each drawing.
    There's got to be a better way.


    Steve M (remove wax for reply), Nov 10, 2003
  5. He could write a routine to filter the various types of text, step through
    their contents searching for the XXX and replace it with YYY. It'll take a
    while if he's new to it, and may not be worth it on a cost basis alone.
    However he would then be able to take advantage of other productivity
    enhancements because he would know how to write LISPs, and demand more pay.
    If he's not up to have him pass it off to a "junior". If he's the
    "junior"....tell him that surviving boredom is a prerequisite for his

    I suppose he could pay someone to write the routine for him. I always forget
    that there are people out there who do that.


    Michael Bulatovich, Nov 10, 2003
  6. He's a "junior" using AutoCAD, but he's a very qualified translator.
    A CAD operator is usually not expected to do what he does.

    I'm certain that if somebody could give us enough LISP to provide a
    starting point, we could figure out the rest ourselves.

    For example, replace one term of text (for example: Change all
    "STEEL" to "STAHL", then between the two of us we could expand that
    statement to make about 20 or 30 more substitutions. Then he could
    click on that macro to "pre-translate" a lot of each new drawing, and
    make all the final translations by hand.

    That would certain save time. It took him days to do 50 drawings, so
    at that rate it will take weeks to do all 500. It should not take a
    day to get such a macro running.

    Steve M (remove wax for reply), Nov 10, 2003
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