newbie questions

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bob Japundza, Feb 24, 2004.

  1. Bob Japundza

    Bob Japundza Guest

    Hi All,

    I am a newbie to SW 2004, for some reason when I am sketching the
    cursor only changes to an orange dot when hovering over the origin.
    In the documentation it says that it should change to a different
    cursor when hovering over the origin. I've been getting around this
    by setting a coincident relation to the origin. Is there an option to
    turn snapping to the origin on or off?

    Also, can anyone recommend a good read on sketch relations and
    dimensions? Thus far in my self taught learning process I've had the
    most trouble with defining geometric relations.

    Regards, Bob
    Bob Japundza, Feb 24, 2004
  2. I'm not sure why you get an orange dot - it should change to the *
    indicating a point. You can also turn on the "point" selection filter and
    it should pick the origin. Try that and see if it makes a differnce.

    As far as sketch relations go, start in the Help section under "sketches,
    relations." There it lists the possible relations & the entities that can
    utilize it. I even found a couple I didn't know about.

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 24, 2004
  3. Bob Japundza

    mplanchard Guest


    About your involute gears, you can create cycloids, epicycloids,
    hypocycloids and trochoids utilizing the same construction techniques
    with a circle and dividing a circle tangent to the curve. These are
    similar to manual drafting techniques with circles, squares and

    You also have the ability with Insert, Curve, Helix Spiral to create a
    curve that follows archimedes spiral.

    The key is to utilize construction geometry and sketch relations to
    develop the more complex curves.

    I would utilize a configuration in a large assembly, change the
    complex tooth profiles to a simplified tooth profile.

    By definition two mating gears with have one point of tangency, this
    will not work for physical dynamics. So you definitely need a simple
    tooth if you want to see how the gears will move.

    If you have these complex profiles in another CAD system, import them.
    If you have excel spread sheets, you can create the profile by
    reading in x, y, z coordinate data to create the sketch.

    As far as documentation, SW includes the online tutorials, but you
    have to check during installation to install these tutorials. They
    are very helpful. I also have 4 pdf files at, they
    cover simple parts, asme standards in the drawing template, large
    assembly drawing with configurations. The files are 50 - 100 pages
    but will give you an idea on how SW - works.
    mplanchard, Feb 25, 2004
  4. Bob Japundza

    Bob Japundza Guest

    Wayne, I do get the * indicating a point, but it never wants to snap
    to that point even when its there. I thought the cursor should turn
    into a orange square with the pencil when hovering over the origin.

    Regards, Bob
    Bob Japundza, Feb 25, 2004
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