Newbie question

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Paul Calman, Feb 4, 2005.

  1. Paul Calman

    Paul Calman Guest

    Hi. I started a CAD class at the local CC and we use 2005LT in class. I just
    installed 2000 on my home computer, and it will not open the .dwg files that
    i created with 2005 and brought home, as being "incompatable". Did they
    really make 2005 not backwards compatable, or is there some other method of
    opening the files that i have overlooked?
    Paul Calman, Feb 4, 2005
  2. Paul Calman

    Paul Calman Guest

    One more, if I do some more work at home on 2000, will I be able to open it
    backi at school next week with 2005LT ?
    Paul Calman, Feb 4, 2005
  3. Using 2005, save as AutoCAD 2000LT/2000

    Now using 2000 at home, 2005 will be able to read.

    W. Kirk Crawford
    Rochester Hills, Michigan
    W. Kirk Crawford, Feb 4, 2005
  4. Paul Calman

    CW Guest

    Try to open 2000 files with R 14, you'll get the same result. Most software
    works this way.
    CW, Feb 4, 2005
  5. Paul Calman

    Paul Calman Guest

    That kills two questions with one answer. Pretty efficient.
    Thank you.
    Is there an FAQ for this NG? I may be asking a lot of dumb questions that it
    may answer, although I found a few good tutorials.
    Paul Calman, Feb 4, 2005
  6. Paul Calman

    Main Guest

    Main, Feb 7, 2005
  7. Yes there is. It's posted by Reini Urban every two weeks I think.
    Michael Bulatovich, Feb 7, 2005
  8. Paul Calman

    B. W. Salt. Guest

    Only for XP Upwards, it seems. Not Win98 :-(

    I use 'Convert', which is available free via a Google search.
    B. W. Salt., Feb 7, 2005
  9. Paul Calman

    Paul Calman Guest

    I have the class again today, so i will be saving everything as a 2000 to
    take it home.
    I checked out the download recommended from Autodesk, it wont work with my
    home program of 2000, and I seached google using the terms "convert" and
    "autocad" and came up with many pages, some was tryware, but I'm looking for
    freeware, as I gave up a decent full-time job as a machinist to become a
    student again, while supporting a family.

    Paul Calman, Feb 8, 2005
  10. Paul Calman


    Do a "google" for DWGgateway.
    This is a utility which will convert dwg formats for you.
    (It is made by a competitor of Autodesk).
    It is free.
    Adds a toolbar to your menu.
    You can open up a 2005 dwg with your 2000 autocad.
    It is perfect.
    (However I am not sure if it works with LT - but check it out)
    LINEABOVE, Feb 8, 2005
  11. Paul Calman

    CW Guest

    To become a draftsman? Can you afford the pay cut?

    I gave up a decent full-time job as a machinist to become a
    CW, Feb 9, 2005
  12. Paul Calman

    Paul Calman Guest

    To become a draftsman? Can you afford the pay cut?

    No, I'm trying to get into robotics, and working on a computer science
    My Dad is a retired Civil Engineer, i learned to draft as a kid with some
    really nice old Dietzgen equipment, but being able to draft with Autocad
    sets me up better for CNC machining or just passing a design to the flunkies
    who run the machine. A lot of CNC operators are just there to change the
    material when the machine stops, while i am a prototype machinist.
    I've been involved in vintage race car parts manufacture, and antique auto
    restoration, and want to play with something different.
    Paul Calman, Feb 9, 2005
  13. Paul Calman

    Cangreho Guest


    I find a 'freeware' converter at[id]83021[SiteID]pcmag

    I prove to convert just only one file, v.2004 to R14 and... yes converted,
    but the hatchs (solid pattern) no "pass" to properly original points.

    I don't know if really work for you, however is recomended in a lot of
    Cangreho, Feb 16, 2005
  14. Paul Calman

    Paul Calman Guest

    Thank you. I have just gone to saving everything as a 2000 file, so i don't
    have to update 3 sets of files.
    Paul Calman, Feb 16, 2005
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