Newbie Question Result

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Craig West, Jun 29, 2004.

  1. Craig West

    Craig West Guest

    I posted a query earlier about retreivin the colour information from an
    object, thankyou everybody for your help, and based on the first reply I
    wrote the following which sets the current layer and colour to that of the
    selected object. Tell me what you think, it may not be the most efficient
    but it works, and I am just learning.

    (defun c:setla()
    (setq ss (entget (car (entsel "Please choose an Object:"))))
    colr (cdr (assoc 62 ss))
    lay (cdr (assoc 8 ss))
    (setq a (null colr))
    (setq b T)

    (if (= a b)
    (command "-color" "bylayer")
    (command "-color" colr)
    (command "-layer" "s" lay "")
    Craig West, Jun 29, 2004
  2. Craig West

    Tom Smith Guest

    Tell me what you think, it may not be the most efficient but it works, and
    I am just learning.

    Congratulations! A couple of suggestions:

    Get in the habit of always declaring your variables local. If you don't,
    eventually you'll create a nightmare.

    Think about bulletproofing, even for your own use and definitely if you're
    ever going to share a routine. Your lisp crashes if the user fails to select
    an object.

    Using the command function to do things has its pros and cons. It's "easy"
    programmatically but has limitations. Usually it's better to avoid it if you
    can. In this case, it takes two U's to undo your lisp, because you've run
    two commands. They ought to be wrapped in an undo group so they can be
    undone with a single U, as the user would expect. Since you're manipulating
    variables, you can also do it by means of setvar instead of command. But
    this also requires an undo group, because without using a command, an undo
    mark isn't automatically set.

    (defun c:setla (/ obj colr lay)
    (command "undo" "begin")
    (if (setq obj (entsel "\nPlease choose an Object:"))
    obj (entget (car obj))
    colr (cdr (assoc 62 obj))
    lay (cdr (assoc 8 obj)))
    (if (null colr)
    (setq colr "256")
    (setq colr (itoa colr)))
    (setvar "cecolor" colr)
    (setvar "clayer" lay)))
    (command "undo" "end")
    Tom Smith, Jun 29, 2004
  3. Craig West

    Craig West Guest

    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for your help, I have sat here studying your code for the last 5min
    and I think I can understand everything that you have done. The undo command
    is very useful.

    Craig West, Jun 29, 2004
  4. Craig West

    Tom Smith Guest

    Thanks for your help, I have sat here studying your code for the last 5min
    It can be very important. In another thread here, a person asks about a lisp
    which runs dozens of command functions, and each one has to be undone
    separately! Remember, the user will think of your routine as a custom
    "command" and they'll expect it to undo and redo just like built-in

    On the other hand, if you do things in "pure" lisp, without calling
    commands, you don't get any automatic U marks. If you run functions like
    this for a while, then do a U, Acad will undo all the way back to your last
    built-in command! So either way it's best to always wrap your work in an
    undo group.
    Tom Smith, Jun 29, 2004
  5. Craig West

    Guest Guest

    I was thinking the same thing about bulletproofing. My solution is usually
    along the lines of:

    (defun C:SETLA ( / obj)
    (setq obj (entsel "\nPlease choose an Object:"))
    (while (= obj nil)
    (princ "\n...\n...\n... You failed to select anything! Try Again.")
    (setq obj (entsel "\nPlease choose an Object:"))
    (setq obj (entget (car obj)))

    The (while) keeps you picking until you finally select something or > if you
    have to < hit ESC. Just another way to skin the cat.

    Guest, Jun 30, 2004
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