Newbie needs help

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by RayDOsity, May 25, 2006.

  1. RayDOsity

    RayDOsity Guest

    What's the easiest way to place a keyway onto a round shaft? I tried
    dragging one of the keyways from the Design Library but it wants to be
    placed on a planar face. I thought using a reference plane might be the
    answer but I can't quite figure out how to place it tangent to the top
    quadrant of the shaft and parallel to the default top plane.

    Mike S.
    RayDOsity, May 25, 2006
  2. I sent you a sample.

    Wayne Tiffany, May 25, 2006
  3. RayDOsity

    POH Guest


    When creating the reference plane, you can specify it to be "on
    surface". It will be perpendicular to the input place and by viewing
    "other solutions" the result can be shifted to the opposite outside
    tangent position on your cylinder. (Do not use the "normal Plane"

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, May 25, 2006
  4. RayDOsity

    RayDOsity Guest

    Thanks for the help guys!

    Mike S
    RayDOsity, May 25, 2006
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