Newbie Help: Automation / Batch file processing

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Todd, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. Todd

    Todd Guest

    Im a programmer working on a team of Pro/E users (wildfire).

    I'm trying to figure out it Pro/E has ways to allow me to automate
    some of the more tedious tasks they perform, such as opening multiple
    model files.

    They used to use IDEA-S, which supported a .CMD file, sort of a BASIC
    language file that ran and could control the interface, as if the user
    were running the commands with their mouse and IDEA-S GUI.

    Does Pro/E Wildfire have this? I'm a programmer, not a sales pitch
    reader / CAD guy, so I can't tell from PTC's site if it does or does
    not (and if it does, what components I would need to be running).

    I'll take any language (C/++, JAVA, etc.), by the way... the BASIC
    thing was just an example...

    -- TC
    Todd, Nov 15, 2004
  2. Todd

    Guest Guest

    Besides mapkeys, which are basically macros trail files are the most
    basic tool for automation. A trail file is generated every time you run
    Pro/E and it records mouse clicks, input, and what not. It can be
    edited and paused for user input and so on. Besides running one
    manually a mapkey can call a trail file or a trail file can be specified
    when you start Pro/E.

    Also, Pro/E can be run in batch mode to do the most common/tedious
    stuff, like batch printing. Take a look at the OCUS utilities, though
    they're out of date they're very good. It's impressive how much can be
    done with just shell scripts.

    The next step up is Jlink, which is a Java Toolkit for writing applets
    and automating Pro/E tasks. It's free and mysterious but not installed
    by default.

    The next step up is Pro/Toolkit, which I believe provides a full C/C++
    API to Pro/E. It's extra and very expensive last I checked.

    Guest, Nov 17, 2004
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