newbie - going back and editing a sketch

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Septemous, Jan 28, 2004.

  1. Septemous

    Septemous Guest

    newbie question:

    I am working through a part, then going back to edit a sketch -- when I go
    into the edit sketch mode, for some reason, SW doesn't seem to want to
    allow me to actually adjust the sketch. I can only seem to select the
    actual object that was derived from the sketch previously.

    I have tried to roll back & supress the tree, but to no avail.

    Septemous, Jan 28, 2004
  2. Septemous

    Sporkman Guest

    Well, I don't mean to sound like a snob, but first I think you need to
    explain a little better if you want us to bother.

    BUT since you're a newbie I'll give it a try. I SUSPECT from some of
    what you've said that PERHAPS the sketch you're dealing with is EITHER
    truly a "derived sketch" by the true definition (see the Help) OR you've
    Converted (look up Convert in Help) sketch elements from another sketch
    to create parts of the sketch that you can't seem to modify.

    If the former is correct then, yes, the 2nd sketch is dependent on the
    first. Change the first, you can change the 2nd, but NOT the other way
    around. BUT you can break the relationship if you Exit the sketch,
    right click on it in the Feature Tree and choose Underive.

    If the latter is correct, then hit the Display/Delete Relations icon (or
    go to Tools > Relations > Display/Delete) and you'll see that the
    relations that exist are "On Edge". You'll have to delete those
    relations in order to be able to change the sketch entities.

    Hope that helps.

    Sporkman, Jan 28, 2004
  3. Septemous

    Septemous Guest

    It did thank you, and I'll try to explain myself better in the future!
    Septemous, Jan 28, 2004
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