New York Metro UG meeting

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Arthur Y-S, Dec 3, 2003.

  1. Arthur Y-S

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    First calling to Solidworks users in the New York Metro area. Mark
    December 10th on your calendars. This will be an introduction of
    Solidworks 2004 for anyone who might be interested in learning more
    about the overall program.

    Since this is our first meeting, we will begin with charter stuff,
    recruitment and asking for volunteers, etc. to keep this going as a
    regular event. Other topics that are up for discussion are:

    What's New in 2004
    Surfacing for the Industrial Designer
    Rendering and Animation - Insider Tips and Tricks
    SolidWorks 2004 Tips and Tricks Time

    You can arrive as early as 5:30pm food will be served at 6:00pm
    Meeting will begin at 7:00pm Location 55 west 13th street between 5th
    and 6th The meeting will be held at Parsons New School of Design 9th
    floor All are welcomed to attend. If you have any questions or
    comments please feel free to contact me. Please RSVP to Arthur
    Young-Spivey at (212) 625-1940 or
    Arthur Y-S, Dec 3, 2003
  2. Arthur Y-S

    jon banquer Guest

    "What's New in 2004
    Surfacing for the Industrial Designer
    Rendering and Animation - Insider Tips and Tricks
    SolidWorks 2004 Tips and Tricks Time"

    Please note late additions to the meeting :

    What Product To Use When SolidWorks 2004 Leaves You Holding
    The Bag And Robust Surfacing Is Needed: Discussion will
    include, The "C2 Problem".

    SolidWorks 2004 Splines: Discussion will include analysis of
    whether it will be D-Cubed or ACIS that provides the
    solutions to help fix the mess.

    Introduction of a think3 representative to demonstrate Global
    Shape Modeling, a tool that makes life for Industrial Designers
    a lot more fun.

    VX presentation: VX Designer will be shown imported non-
    native surface geometry and actually editing it !!!

    Round table hosted by Arthur on which products are needed to be
    used with SolidWorks to actually get the job done. Arthur will
    be demonstrating Rhino.

    At the conclusion of the meeting there will be an open bar.
    Heavy drinking is expected. Please make sure you have
    signed up ahead of time for a designated driver.

    jon banquer, Dec 3, 2003
  3. Arthur Y-S

    Ron Smith Guest

    You've NEVER USED either think3 or VX on a daily basis in a work situation,
    but you're the expert.

    What CAD/CAM program do you use at work? What's that you say...DOS BOBCAD?

    That must really suck...
    Ron Smith, Dec 4, 2003
  4. Arthur Y-S

    Arthur Guest

    Seriously Jon, stay the **** out of my threads if you are going to post
    shit. I am tired of you not making positive contributions. You are really
    pissing me the hell off with your dumb shit.
    Arthur, Dec 4, 2003
  5. Arthur Y-S

    jon banquer Guest

    " really pissing me the hell off with your dumb shit."

    I hear you, Art. What you want is me to do is change one
    of the meeting presentation topics to:

    What Product Should I Use When SolidWorks 2004 Pisses Me The
    Hell Off With Dumb Shit Surfacing Tools ?

    I think this is a little strong, Art but since it's true I
    feel I have no choice but to support you on this.

    jon banquer, Dec 4, 2003
  6. Arthur Y-S

    kenneth b Guest


    if you're using outlook express,
    message, block sender
    tools, message rules, blocked senders list

    other news readers have similar or better features
    works wonders, out of sight ... out of mind, yippee
    kenneth b, Dec 4, 2003
  7. Arthur Y-S

    Rocko Guest

    Jon, if you hate SW so much why even be a poster in a SW discussions board
    also most people do not want to rent software (think 3). I am sure people
    not like the timing out feature especially if think 3 would go out of
    business. Think 3
    has had to get finanacial backing from investment group 3 times because
    sales lag behind.
    Also Jon VX is not as good as you present it to be.
    Rocko, Dec 4, 2003
  8. Arthur Y-S

    janicke Guest

    Cliff, when are you going to get a clue?

    janicke, Dec 4, 2003
  9. Arthur Y-S

    jon banquer Guest

    From what I have seen he never will and in
    regards to think3 I fully intend to keep pointing
    out how full of shit he is with his continuous stream
    of lies.

    jon banquer, Dec 5, 2003
  10. Arthur Y-S

    jon banquer Guest

    He's been told many, many times before that BobCAD is a 3D
    program yet he continues to lie about it like he does with so many
    other things. Here is an very recent example of someone else
    correcting his continuous stream of misinformation / lies.

    "From: hamei ()
    Subject: Re: Rhino Finally Gets Some Serious Competition

    View this article only
    Newsgroups: alt.machines.cnc
    Date: 2003-11-17 15:58:30 PST

    DOS BobCAD is 3D. A nice little program, actually."

    The reason I use the DOS version of BobCAD on the shop floor
    is that I don't need to use a mouse and it's very, very fast
    for what I need to do with it... figure out toolpath for manual
    MDI entry at the CNC machine. Often times, the canned CNC
    machine cycles are inefficient and so is what the CAM program
    outputs. It's impossible to deal with all the real world
    situations that occur for machining a part sitting on your
    ass behind a computer. Things like different fixturing
    needing to be used, more clamps, clamps in a different places
    than when the CAD/CAM program was written, etc.

    I often need to quickly modify a program that is cutting
    air. There are plenty of other reasons as well. Many
    proficient machinists understand this logic. Those who have
    been forcibly retired from large companies (where they could
    only make it for a year anyway) have no understanding of how
    to properly machine a part or how to cut cycle time with an
    efficient CNC program that has no wasted moves.... because
    this often can not be done sitting on your ass behind a
    computer. In a small job shop environment very quickly
    reducing cycle time is often critical to making money on the
    job !!! If you have worked all you life for big companies
    where efficient programs are not critical, than this concept
    is totally foreign to you.

    These concepts has been explained to this person by many
    real machinists, God only knows how many times over the years,
    in alt.machines.cnc yet he still can't grasp the concepts.

    It's really pretty sad. : (

    jon banquer, Dec 5, 2003
  11. Arthur Y-S

    Ron Smith Guest

    don't need to use a mouse and it's very, very fast for what I need to do
    with it...<

    Your boss must be pretty cheap. I would have thought by now that you, with
    your infinite CAD/CAM wisdom and "evangelical" know-how, would have your
    boss eating out of your hand. It must suck to have all of the CAD/CAM
    knowledge that you posess - but every day you go to work and use DOS BobCAD.
    Ron Smith, Dec 5, 2003
  12. Arthur Y-S

    jon banquer Guest

    "Jon, if you hate SW so much why even be a poster in a SW
    discussions board..."

    Just because I'm not happy with SolidWorks at present does
    not mean that I won't be in the future when SolidWorks Corp.
    is *forced to make the changes* I have talked about for a
    long, long time. Even the people I have talked with at
    SolidWorks Corp, agreed that many of these changes
    need to be made.

    As far as think3 is concerned, absolutely nothing in
    SolidWorks, Inventor, Pro/E Wildfire, Unigraphics, etc. can
    compare with think3's Global Shape Modeling. Nothing ! I
    concentrate on think3's superior technology not on their

    I will say this though....thinkdesign / thinkshape can be
    purchased through Open Mind (Hypermill). The only
    disadvantage is that it runs one release behind.

    "Also Jon VX is not as good as you present it to be."

    Your right. VX is much better than I present it to be !!!

    I'm conservative. :>)

    I have now named several areas that VX kicks SolidWorks butt
    in and I've also agreed with you that SolidWorks has a
    better UI than VX. If you want a conversation with me in regards to
    VX vs. SolidWorks and want to argue SolidWorks then you need
    to get *specific in you criticism of VX* ...just like I
    have with SolidWorks.

    jon banquer, Dec 5, 2003
  13. Arthur Y-S

    jon banquer Guest

    Remedial English is suggested. He needs to start with the alphabet. H does
    not follow the letter F.

    jon banquer, Dec 5, 2003
  14. Arthur Y-S

    jon banquer Guest


    What letter should go next ?

    Hint, it's not "H".

    jon banquer, Dec 5, 2003
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