new with MicroStation

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by brs, Jul 1, 2003.

  1. brs

    brs Guest

    I think it will be a very simple question, but:
    I have set "Snap lock" for midpoint.
    When I start to draw a line, I want to have start point in a middle of other
    line, but it looks like I have not any snap setting.
    I think that I should do something more, but I am not sure what.
    microstation 7.1
    brs, Jul 1, 2003
  2. brs

    Jon Summers Guest

    brs ...
    Use a 'tentative' snap to select the mid-point of the target.
    A 'tentative' snap is defined by your mouse settings. The default for a
    3-button mouse is to press the right & left buttons simultaneously.
    Jon Summers, Jul 1, 2003
  3. brs

    Bill Dickens Guest


    That is the default for the two button mouse.

    The middle finger was the tentative finger. It is now the Infosnap finger.
    Bill Dickens, Jul 1, 2003
  4. brs

    Dave Preston Guest

    Just to clarify things.

    MicroStation has a single active snap mode.

    Open the snaps button bar (From the menu select 'Settings', ''Snaps', Button
    Bar' or from the Status Bar select the 'Snaps' icon, then 'Button Bar').
    One of the snaps will be dark grey - This is the active one. As you move
    your cursor over the button bar the description will show in the status bar.

    You can override the active snap by selecting another one, and the active
    snap can be changed by double clicking the one you want. I usually work with
    Keypoint snap as the active (2nd one in) as it snaps to most things - Ends
    of lines, vertices of line strings / shapes, insertion point of text,
    quadrants and centre of circles etc.

    As David described you can change the snap divisor so that other keypoints
    are considered - setting it to 2, which I do, means that you can snap to the
    mid point of lines / line segments without selecting the mid point snap.
    This can be very useful and sometimes annoying. As well as setting this with
    the ky= keyin which is the fastest way, you can change it in the lock
    settings (don't ask me why it's not accessible from Snaps) - select
    'Settings', 'Locks', 'Full', or 'Locks', 'Full' from the status bar locks


    Dave Preston
    Dave Preston, Jul 1, 2003
  5. brs

    brs Guest

    brs, Jul 1, 2003
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