new training manuals writen by Dassault ...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by iQ, May 10, 2005.

  1. iQ

    iQ Guest

    I recently inquired my VAR on extended training that was available for
    SWx add-ins. They told me that they do not have anything available for
    what i was requesting. Then they mentioned to me that they had a book
    to assist in the extended training and that they would send me a copy
    of a couple of these. I told them that I would look at these manuals
    when they came in. Guess what they were written by Dassault. So far I
    have received one on Animator, PhotoWorks and on Utilities. This was a
    surprise to me that there was even manuals like this even existed. Why
    do we not hear of these items!!!

    Each manual is accompanied with a CD full of training information that
    comes with the book.

    It seems that my VAR is withholding items that could help us in our
    endeavors to be professionals in this software, why is this???

    Well anyway contact your VAR for these secret manuals. They are a step
    by step guide. And if anyone can get a full listing of what is
    available please post it to this group. I can only get 3 titles from
    my VAR so far.

    I am getting to wonder if SWx VAR's understands our needs. MRW
    iQ, May 10, 2005
  2. iQ

    matt Guest


    These are brand new materials, they have not existed before in this form.
    They're not secret. These are meant to be used without an instructor. The
    books they had before they wouldn't sell without you coming to a class.

    As far as I know, the ones you received are the only ones available at this

    matt, May 10, 2005
  3. iQ

    CAD Guy Guest


    These books became available a few weeks ago. I got my copies two weeks

    I know SW VAR's have trouble getting enough users to sign up for PhotoWorks
    and Animator classes to make them financially viable.

    SolidWorks listened, and produced these very nice learning tools.

    I don't think your VAR wasn't "holding out", just hasn't had enough time to
    educate their user base.

    By the way, there is a cost associated with these books. Your VAR just gave
    you about $100.00 worth of books for free! Color printing isn't cheap.

    I wouldn't expect "self-study" guides for the entire product line.
    Instructor led training is still the best way to learn the wide range of
    capabilities that SolidWorks provides.

    CAD Guy, May 10, 2005
  4. iQ

    TOP Guest

    Self teaching is a nice touch. Even a week's training in something like
    SW fundamentals is usually too short unless the trainees are really
    quick learners. ACAD users need two weeks and a baseball bat.
    TOP, May 11, 2005
  5. iQ

    VJN Guest

    Hi iQ,

    Thanks for Info. I also request Dassault system for the manuals. Is
    they charge for that?


    VJN, May 11, 2005
  6. iQ

    Ben Guest

    You know, I understand that classroom time is important for some but
    seriously there are differing learning styles out there and I am one that
    does poorly in classrooms. Corespondance or books work great for me. So not
    allowing me to purchase the books becasue you need the class for the
    gerneral populous to learn is crap to me and nouthign but a money grab. Hey
    Solidworks how about you sell me the books and make some money from me and
    not loose out on the opportunity to make a quick buck? Otherwise I will sit
    here be bitter, and bitch.

    Ok I am over it now....Not really but I feel better that I have vented. :)

    Anyone want to sell me their training manuals? Seeing as SW wont take my

    Ben, May 11, 2005
  7. iQ

    Jeff Howard Guest

    I know SW VAR's have trouble getting

    Could it be that hard copies were printed because they were intended for a
    classroom setting? The cost effective way to distribute info is make it
    available on the company's web site, maybe free access for maint contract
    holders if not for everyone?

    Jeff Howard, May 11, 2005
  8. iQ

    CAD Guy Guest


    No, these books were never intended to be used in a classroom setting. The
    format of these books was developed for use without the aid of an

    If SolidWorks distributed them in electronic format, someone would complain
    about the lack of printed materials. The end user cost to print 646 high
    resolution color pages (PW=384+ CP=152+ AN=110) on high quality stock (>30#)
    would also be quite high.

    Regarding your comment about SolidWorks VAR's, a quality VAR provides
    excellent training. The SolidWorks training materials are superb. Staffing
    and lab costs are significant. SolidWorks establishes specific criteria to
    maintain the quality of their reseller training programs (only certified
    instructors, limited class size, re-certification for new releases, etc.)

    What is your complaint?

    CAD Guy, May 11, 2005
  9. iQ

    Ben Guest

    Ok great, and I agree that the books do not need an instructor, then why
    wont anyone sell me the books? and only the books I dont want to pay 500+
    dollars for a book. I will pay for the end user cost to print 646 high
    resolution color pages (PW=384+ CP=152+ AN=110) on high quality stock (>30#)
    But I am told I cannot purchase the books unless I take the course?

    Sell me your fancy smancy books dammit!

    Ben, May 11, 2005
  10. iQ

    Mike Tripoli Guest

    I was going to stay out of this, but I agree; if the books are written
    for self-instruction, and not classroom materials, then they should be
    available to us to buy. Not quite sure of the motivation here (other
    than to get buy-in to classes)...

    Mike Tripoli, May 11, 2005
  11. iQ

    Jeff Howard Guest

    What is your complaint?

    No complaint.
    Nor was there a "comment about SolidWorks VAR's".

    Just some casual questions from a disinterested observer (which were not
    addressed in any meaningful way, IMO). I've got a few more if you wanna
    hear 'em. For my part, though, I think your customers should ask their own
    questions. 8~)
    Jeff Howard, May 11, 2005
  12. iQ

    matt Guest

    I think there's a misunderstanding. The new Photoworks, Utilities and
    Animator books are meant to be self-paced instruction, and are available
    for sale without a class, at maybe $50 for the Pworks book. Don't quote me
    on that, I don't sell the books. They're still new, so someone at the
    reseller may not know what's going on and is giving you the standard party
    line on selling training books.

    The regular SW training books are the ones that come only with the class.
    They don't have regular Pworks, Utilities and Animator classes anymore.
    You can't get any of the books in electronic format for obvious copyright
    matt, May 11, 2005
  13. iQ

    Ben Guest

    1)I dont see there being any benifit by draging a VAR into this. It is not
    their fault SW wont let them sell the books without the person taking the

    2)The complaint is I want to buy the books without the course.
    Ben, May 11, 2005
  14. iQ

    CAD Guy Guest

    Ben & Others,

    I'm sorry if I caused confusion.

    There are three new "self-study" books that SolidWorks recently released.
    These are available for purchase without attending formal instructor led

    These books cover, PhotoWorks, Animator and CAD Productivity Tools
    (FeatureWorks, SolidWorks Utilities and Toolbox).

    Contact your SolidWorks VAR for more information, or to order your copies.

    The other training materials that SolidWorks develops are only available for
    students that attend formal training. This policy is set by SolidWorks.

    Just to set the record straight, Jeff when you stated "That wouldn't be a
    reseller trying to manufacture a market, would it? 8~)", I intepreted that
    as a disparaging comment about SolidWorks VAR's. Was I wrong?

    CAD Guy, May 11, 2005
  15. iQ

    Jeff Howard Guest

    I dont see there being any
    I believe one (the guy wearing the mask if you are wondering) willingly
    stepped in and threw up a bit of chaff. If you have no problem with that
    then I certainly don't.
    Jeff Howard, May 11, 2005
  16. iQ

    Jeff Howard Guest

    ...I intepreted that as a disparaging comment
    Yes you were. Control of information is a means of manufacturing a market.
    Whether or not the information is made available freely, for the cost of a
    maintenance contract, for sale as a discrete item, as part of a class,
    ...., etc. are all marketing concerns. I have no intrinsic problem with any
    of that.

    If I have a problem with anything, it's the lack of honesty; a sales rep
    posing as a user (?) telling people that "Instructor led training is still
    the best way to learn ...". Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Let the real
    users decide for themselves what's "best" for them.
    Jeff Howard, May 11, 2005
  17. iQ

    CAD Guy Guest


    Where is the chaff?

    iQ asked about the new books. He felt as if his VAR was "withholding
    information". I don't think that is the case. Just not up to speed on a
    recent product introduction. I just attempted to set the record straight.

    Sorry you find VAR's so offensive.

    CAD Guy, May 11, 2005
  18. iQ

    CAD Guy Guest


    When did I state my profession?

    My opinion is the instructor led training is the best method to learn
    SolidWorks. Sorry if that causes you heartburn.

    CAD Guy, May 11, 2005
  19. You might want to check into the CDs from the Solid Professor:

    I haven't tried any of them, but you can have a look at their tips and
    tricks and see if you might like it.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, May 11, 2005
  20. iQ

    jon_banquer Guest

    This is the way many VAR's actually make their real money
    and it's encouraged by most CAD/CAM companies. It's very
    easy to get away with this kind of thing because so few
    product loyalists have the guts to demand better documentation
    before purchasing a CAD/CAM product or before purchasing or
    renewing maintenance.

    jon_banquer, May 12, 2005
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