OK, I know I'm new to this and really making a big attempt to learn it but I am getting confused on a few things. 1. I'm trying to create a routine to change layer, should be a simple thing to learn with, but I have the... Dim ss As IAcadSelectionSet Option Explicit Set ss = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("NEWSS") ss.SelectOnScreen in the Module1 (code) and I'm trying to do something with it in the UserForm1 (code). But it says it's not defined. Even though I defined it in the code before it gets to the point of stopping. Can you only set a variable to work in the (code) that you are referencing it in? I hope I'm making sense of this. 2. Another problem I'm having is when I run this and it stops and then I try to run it again it's telling me... "The named select set exist" Can you create the code to clear the value of ss if you run it again? Kevin