Never having read word one in the sheet metal part of Solidworks, I hereby ask the following general, but nonetheless admittedly dumb theoretical question: In the making of a sheet metal part drawing, must it be identified firsthand as a sheet metal intention by prefacing the drawing with "base-flange/tab"? Does this tell Solidworks to get into a sheet metal mode? For example if I have a 3" square extruded to .04" thick, (or a simulated sheet metal part), allready drawn WITHOUT the preface of "base-flange/tab", can i make it into a sheet metal part and add two lines one inch from two edges and bend it up 90 degrees to form a channel? If this is possible, I would appreciate a simple step by step method from one of you many Sheet Metal Gurus. Remember, I have yet to cover the rudiments of this subject yet. Thanking you kindly, Erika