New to Pro-e

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by MatteoS69, Nov 22, 2003.

  1. MatteoS69

    MatteoS69 Guest

    I'm going to get a job as Cad designer, the company use pro-e, but
    i have only experience of 3d design tools like lightwave, maya,
    power animator and solid thinking....

    they say to me that experience in specific software isn't important
    but years of pratice in modelling...

    how about the learning curve of pro-e?
    any reference online? (tutorials, some manuals?)

    i'have 30 days to have an idea of pro-e.... it's better i go to seaside
    and wait or download a not legal version and start to make some tutorial
    because it's absolutely impossible to understand in few days?

    (sure, my work in this company will be at minimum level... but i'd
    like know something before start :) )

    MatteoS69, Nov 22, 2003
  2. MatteoS69

    Boltman Guest

    Proe isn't the easiest software to run. If your new company said don't
    worry about the CAD. I guess that don't expect you do be a Pro/E
    contributor for at least 3 months, longer if they don't send you to some
    You can get some training materials at
    Your new company needs to provide you with a license so that you can
    load the software.
    Boltman, Nov 23, 2003
  3. MatteoS69

    David Janes Guest

    : Proe isn't the easiest software to run. If your new company said don't
    : worry about the CAD. I guess that don't expect you do be a Pro/E
    : contributor for at least 3 months, longer if they don't send you to some
    : training.

    Not an easy system to run, but getting easier, imo. But, if they are planning to
    train you, to let you get the hang of the software, it's the best gig in the
    world. Go to the beach and take a Gary Lamit book with you ('Intro to Pro/E' or
    something like that from Amazon. The one on Wildfire includes the trial software
    [30-day Pro/E licence] plus tutorials for under $100.)

    : You can get some training materials at
    : Your new company needs to provide you with a license so that you can
    : load the software.

    If you're not getting the Lamit book or a license from your future employer, at
    least get the Pro/E Student Version (full Engineering II software package) for
    $300 from and you don't have to worry about illegal and cracks and
    scrounging tutorials and all that bullshit.

    However, imho, a company which says that the main thing is knowing 3D modelling
    and will give you a break on the specific software is a very wise, very well led
    company, indeed. And they are right ~ the principal divide is between the old
    world of drafting and the new world of 3D modelling. Then the next divide is
    between NURBS and solid geometry with features and parametrics. Your biggest
    challenge will be the same as everyone starting out in engineering ~ what is a
    good number and first of all, that everything *has* a number.

    But, the other thing you obviously don't know is what does this new company have
    planned for you, what are their plans, how do they see you helping these plans. My
    advice would be to learn ISDX, the Pro/E equivalent of NURBS surface modelling.
    Also, learn surface modelling, curves thru points, datum features (planes, points,
    axes, curves) and anything that says 'Advanced'. Compared to what you've been
    through, this really isn't that hard. Just don't get stuck on how you did it
    before. Pro/E isn't like that.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Nov 24, 2003
  4. MatteoS69

    MatteoS69 Guest

    :D great... i'll do it :)
    =:-O only 300$ for student version, sure i could buy it.
    I'didnt think they r planning to give me a regular license for home
    training. :(

    first time i'll learn to design their pieces, after i'll go where this
    were used and make reverse engineering operations on broken items.
    in order to have almost a week of "bonus time" to study and modify custom
    :D i love challenge :D
    bye matteo.
    MatteoS69, Nov 24, 2003
  5. MatteoS69

    mikemcdermid Guest

    if you can use maya or lightwave you should have no problems with
    surfacing and the like in pro e
    however the thing i found was that in maya you cant really make things
    to a size its more of a guestimate

    eg if you wanted to make a 10 dia bar it isnt round its made of nurbs
    curves or polys therefore the principle is the same but the results
    are different also
    lofts are differently processed as are sweeps a sweep in maya is
    similar but not the same as a sweep in an engineering package such as

    but apart from that you should get on ok i found it was better to play
    for a while to find out where all the commands are you will using and
    for the most part the terminology is the same but does different

    mikemcdermid, Nov 27, 2003
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