New thinking in SW....

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Arthur Y-S, Jul 31, 2003.

  1. Arthur Y-S

    Bing Guest

    You forgot the drumroll.........
    Ya know, I cant go hardly anywhere without seeing yer dribble and url
    dropping. When I first got to amc I had Cliff, PM and a host of others
    helping me out. All you did was was try to drop names and bring up Google
    archives of shit long past. You must have a boring life to be able to
    expound so much energy in trying to make yerself look like yer king of
    anything. But I guess sweeping the floor makes the mind wander.
    The facts according to Swami boy ?
    BTW, I coined that along with Beaver. :)
    Only you would show up at the Indy with a Vette.
    Are you parking cars or sumthin? Is it stolen?
    To make a statement that many users of this ng dont understand the software
    they are using, should really inflame the people on this group. I know it
    inflames me.
    Yer basically calling people on here assholes. I dont post on here much but
    met alot of fine people that DO know what the hell they are talking about.
    And most all have been very helpful when I got into a jam. Same thing goes
    with AMC.

    I just got done doing Beta for 2004. I used LIVE data in a REAL world mold
    environment. I know I contributed to this new release which IMO overall
    kicks butt. I am still corresponding with engineers on some problems I have
    found. SW Corp has been on the ball and very professional in ALL of my
    dealings with them. So, I have actual hands on experiance with the software,
    plus I'm a moldmaker as well, so I know what a machine shop looks like. You
    obviously do not.
    Now, where do you get off by telling the fine people in this group that they
    know anything about the technology when you dont even know what shot peening
    Coming from somebody that has been likened to using an Etch-A-Sketch thats a
    pretty bold remark and one that pisses me off because I AM doing something
    to try to improve software that helps me tremendously in my field of work.
    Which is designing injection molds. I've been using this software for years
    now. I have produced 100's of molds for my company and many others.

    The frickin world is still waiting to see what you have produced with any
    software or even by hand. Did you even LOOK at the 2004 pre-release?

    If you dont like the technology or the software then why not just keep yer
    damn mouth shut?
    You have no practical experiance on anything other than dropping names of
    corp execs, programmers, names culled from google searches and such to try
    to make a point that you know anything about this trade or software other
    than sweeping a broom with a tin foil beanie hat on.

    Well, I for one think the same thing. Does Etch-A-Sketch have a hardrive
    <......Is this guy weird or what?

    How in the world would YOU know what SW can do? Have you ever used it? What
    *Demo number 9, Demo number 9* Old Beatles song.

    Dont blow a head gasket.
    No, you aint on topic. Yer a sorry excuse for a fur bearing human that
    thinks he knows. You are the Mel Torme of the newsgroup circuit. If is that lacking in any expertise then I expect tons of
    idiot broom tooting witches to show up any moment asking for Toto, the dog.

    I think you owe an apology to SW Corp, and the people on this newsgroup that
    know what the tech they are working with is all about.

    Bing, Aug 16, 2003
  2. Arthur Y-S

    barneyrubble Guest

    Could someone repost that link to the picture of JB with a tinfoil helmet

    Your welcome :)
    barneyrubble, Aug 16, 2003
  3. Arthur Y-S

    jon_banquer Guest


    jon_banquer, Aug 16, 2003
  4. Arthur Y-S

    snapyy2002 Guest

    I also recomend "40tude dialog" .. free, stil in beta, but stabile ..
    snapyy2002, Aug 16, 2003
  5. Arthur Y-S

    dvanzile Guest


    ^ Insert my seamless, unified dick here!

    Hey jon, when you guve guys blow jobs...... do you look them in the eye?
    dvanzile, Aug 18, 2003
  6. Arthur Y-S

    Bing Guest

    Hey, I like yer style....:)

    He cant. The tunafish can, painted red covers his eyes. And the music from
    the organ grinder makes him nervous. He especially doesnt like that Jack in
    the Box song. :)

    I'm just trying to figure out how somebody who has no time on this software
    seems to know all about it.

    Bing, Aug 18, 2003
  7. Arthur Y-S

    Bing Guest

    31 flavors huh?
    He must be talking about Ben & Gerry's, or Brexlers.
    When hell freezes over. Seamlessly and hybridly.
    Bing, Aug 19, 2003
  8. Arthur Y-S

    Cad Rob Guest

    Have you checked out this voice command software yet?

    Cad Rob, Aug 19, 2003
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