New thinking in SW....

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Arthur Y-S, Jul 31, 2003.

  1. Arthur Y-S

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    So with the edition of a few new tools, I have noticed that my
    thinking in the program and how I go about creating models has not
    just switched lanes, but I now feel like I am in a new car and even
    more congested highway. What I mean when I say this is that with each
    new iteration of SW new "tools" are added, for better or for worse. I
    try them out, see where I can plug them into the design equations or
    process and take it from there.

    With some of these new "tools" (ie multi-bodies) and how you go about
    creating in the program, it just feels different. I started back in SW
    '98 and in some ways I do evny, in some ways, ppl who are just
    starting out because you are absorbing everything at once...rather
    than trying to teach this old dog new tricks.

    I have no doubt that these new tools are helpful, maybe it is just my
    brain flowing over with too many programs in my head as it is.
    Arthur Y-S, Jul 31, 2003
  2. We have only been using it foe a little while. The hard part is forcing
    ourselves to drop the AutoDesk stuff and actually "use" the SW.. It is vary
    feature rich, that is where you have to take it home and "play" with it at
    home. Having a good support group (4D Concepts in Mississauga, On) training
    you. That got our feet wet, then we had to go from there.

    Kevin Scheeringa

    Program Coordinator

    R&R Woodwork Inc.
    Kevin Scheeringa, Aug 1, 2003
  3. I think you are going to love it. After a little while, you will not be
    able to fathom how you could design in anything less than 3-D, and will not
    be able to grasp how the world could function without parametric relations.
    You are entering a complicated world, but a worthy one.
    Edward T Eaton, Aug 2, 2003
  4. Arthur Y-S

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    Voice command CAD software. AHHH what a say
    "rectangle, 8x9x15 in" that would be nice.
    Arthur Y-S, Aug 5, 2003
  5. Hi guys, could help but jump in here.

    I'd actually like to see surface modeling eliminated. Yes, you heard
    me correctly...
    What I mean is that if we had enough options with SW, I'd like to stay
    with solid modeling, yet be able to do local modification to face/s of
    the model without having to go back and forth between hybrid surface
    and solid modeling. So much of what we SWX surface modeler are doing
    is "getting around the limitations of the history tree". You need to
    keep in mind that surface modelers ultimately want a solid model.

    I think that this is the direction to go because solid models are more
    intuitive than surfaces (to the visual mind). Surfacing can be so
    meticulous and it doesn't need to be. Unfortuneately, SWX has borrowed
    a lot of the surfacing methodoloy from the way surfacing has been done
    over the last 30 years (ship building = loft).

    Instead, think of a future SWX modeler that started with a solid box
    and apply radius to all 8 edges of it. At this point you break from
    traditional modeling and go in and start to do local modification to
    the connection of the faces of the solid model. Say, you had a
    modification feature that you could pick the radius and change them or
    both the radius and the adjacent model faces (flat sides) to a G2
    connecton with a single button. Then, while still in the feature, you
    had drag handles with a number box, to tweak the continuity at each of
    the boundaries. would this be much more intuitive than the multitude
    of curve network features that drive the surface?

    Its time for a new paradigm, and althou its been tried and had many
    false starts, "object oriented" modeling could be implemented in the
    area of surface modeling. This would, for example, be the ability to
    drag and drop complex, pre-parametrized features on to complex face/s
    and then the feature is modified thru values. Think of a end cap
    feature that can be dropped onto the end face of a shaft, and that
    feature would match the adjacent faces of the "complex -
    non-analytical" shaft with G2 continuity. In this way we get away from
    certain features that we "re-create" over and over using sketch
    curves. So many of the features presently are so dependent on 2D
    planes and 2D sketches. These are great for a lot of prismatic -
    analytical modelling but doesn't cut it for non-analytical (surface)
    modelling. Why do we still try to use so many 2D methologies for
    surface modeling?
    The second area that I think SWX need to really consider is
    consolidation of features or what I call "Super-features". This is a
    trend that is taking hold with SolidEdge and Wildfire. Think of the
    flexibility and freedom to redefine the design intent if you had the
    ability to redefine a loft into a sweep or a sweep into a fill. So a
    general surface feature that could be fill, loft, sweep, dome, etc.
    This should also apply for the analytical modeling features. The
    Extrude command should encapsulate: Extrude cut, Extrude Boss, Extrude
    cut surface, Extrude cut Boss, Thin feature. Revolve should do the

    SWX should also be smarter about where to give up tolerance for the
    sake of completing the feature successfully. This would be especially
    true for shell, but also for many of the surface modeling command that
    rely on "manifold" rules. We all know that there are many cases that
    don't solve just because the "math" tolerance, which is extremely
    small in deviation, isn't met, but the visual result is completely

    SWX developers, mathematicians, and coders, need to break away from
    their notion that surfaces are mathmatical; as far as the end user
    thinks, they are not, they are visual, I repeat that again: THEY ARE
    VISUAL, and this is the most important aspect of them, not that they
    are mathmatically correctly. Because they are visual, more drag
    handle, spin boxes and other dynamic type controls need to be
    introduced into the interface.
    I know that this is hard to hear for a ME, but is is absolutely true
    and it is why we struggle so hard to do surfacing. It is so hard
    because we are trying to apply analytical, parametric concepts to a
    non-analytical, non-parametric feature (surface) in principle. Now,
    there are cases where parametrics work quite nicely for surfaces, and
    I happen to believe that the parametric surface model is the way of
    the future, but only if we allow ourselves not to force surface
    modeling features into the prismatic modeling box, metaphorically
    Mark Biasotti, Aug 10, 2003
  6. Arthur Y-S

    matt Guest


    This is an excellent post. Overall, I agree with most of your ideas.
    Surfaces are really just workarounds for stuff you can't do with solids,
    and it would be a benefit if you could do what you want directly with the

    I have submitted the idea of a feature type that has parametric edge
    conditions, but non-parametric NURBS type U-V point control for the face.
    More comments in-line below...

    (Mark Biasotti) wrote in

    Yes, I think this is a great point. Surfacing in itself has little value
    until it is made part of a solid. The new "merge result" option in the
    Fill command makes a beginning toward this, taking a formerly surface-only
    function, and merging it into the solid immediately.

    To some extent you can do this with Library Features. Multiple complex
    features can be set up, saved and reattached to new geometry using the
    Library Feature "wizard" interface. I know what you're saying though, it
    would be cool if the functionality were extended.

    Yeah, you're right. That would save a lot of editing time. I don't think
    that should be too terribly difficult, as long as changing feature types
    doesn't blow the hell out of your downstream features.

    I think you need to be careful here. Solid modelling in general has had to
    shake off the "pretty picture" stigma by proving that the visual image
    represents data that can be used to manufacture. Someone who designs cams
    or dish antennae is concerned about mathematically accurate models, and
    doesn't give a damn about how it looks.

    All of your curvature continuity concepts are just practical application of
    first and second derivatives (calculus).

    In the same way, ID folks are always trying to shake the stigma of ignoring
    manufacturing issues. IDEO, for example, did a project for a company I
    worked for which looked good "visually", but was neither manufacturable nor
    functional. I was required to sign off on the design, but could not
    because it failed all of our tests. The company paid $250,000 for that
    "visual", and almost that much more to make the numbers work.

    I'm always glad when I run into ID folks that have the ability to see
    things from other points of view, and I have met a couple. Ed Eaton is a
    rare example of someone who thinks about how what he does affects the rest
    of the downstream product development cycle. I've worked with ID folk from
    Fisher-Price, Hamilton Beach, Crosman, Kodak, Rubbermaid, Levolor among
    others, and the ID-ME interface always requires imagination and compromise
    from both sides of the aisle in order to get a successful product launch.

    Anyway, thanks for the surface/solid comments.

    matt, Aug 10, 2003
  7. Arthur Y-S

    jon_banquer Guest

    Instead, think of a future SWX modeler that started with a
    Do you realize you have just described what *already exists
    today* in thinkdesign using Global Shape Modeling ???

    LOL. See below.
    Agreed. No reason to be forced by a history at *every single
    step* !!! It's stupid and it's an unproductive waste of time. It
    also destroys creativity.

    Thankfully sales of Unigraphics are way down and EDS was
    forced to come up with some real innovation for SolidEdge.
    Now if EDS could only start converting more users you
    might see some true innovation in Solidworks 2005 or 2006.

    Were is Rick Mason when we really need him ??? :>)

    jon (Solidworks it's hack and wack. (Hack and wack
    copyright J/K.))
    jon_banquer, Aug 10, 2003
  8. Arthur Y-S

    jon_banquer Guest

    Surfaces are really just workarounds for stuff you can't do
    "Solids are just surfaces with macros". (copyright Edward T

    Little value to who ??? You, obviously. Many others.... uh,
    Are you now in California and running for governor ? I still
    think Gary Coleman and Larry Flint are more qualified....
    well maybe not Gary Coleman. :>)

    What you and Mark want is revolution in a business than is
    really more about evolution.... especially in regards to
    SolidWorks Corp. Super features is one such evolution.
    think3's thinkdesign with Global Shape Modeling is another.

    IMO the real problem with SolidWorks probably lies with d-
    cubed's 3D DCM and with ACIS's Deformable Modeler which still
    don't have anywhere close to enough functionality to do the
    kinds of things that think3 thinkdesign with Global Shape
    Modeling can, the kinds of things that the new version of
    SolidEdge can, or that Pro/E Wildfire with ISDX can.

    Quite simply, SolidWorks Corp. is not an innovator in regards
    to giving the user tools to easily and effortlessly create
    beautiful aesthetic designs. SolidWorks has proved very
    adept at hack and whack, though. (Hack and whack
    or is it whack and hack... does it matter... either way it
    still freaking sucks) copyright J/K)

    jon_banquer, Aug 11, 2003
  9. Arthur Y-S

    jon_banquer Guest

    What you get with super features and with SolidEdge's
    technology (They call it Rapid Blue....whatever the ****
    that means.) is really the best of both worlds. Thought you
    might want to read about how it works straight from the

    Also from :

    "A new paradigm for shape design Solid Edge boosts design
    productivity of complex geometry with tailored commands and
    structured workflows that help you design much more quickly
    than general-purpose surface modeling tools. With Rapid
    Blue, you get the shape YOU want, not the one the CAD system
    wants to give you. Shape preserving curves retain your
    original shape even through complex edits. Blue Dot editing
    introduces an industry first by addressing order dependency
    and providing significantly more freedom and control for
    evaluating and manipulating shapes in real time.
    Complemented by a variety of new process-oriented tools for
    shape design and dynamic editing, Rapid Blue shatters the
    barriers of traditional "history-based" surface modeling.
    With significantly fewer steps to create and edit complex
    shapes, you can evaluate more alternatives in real time and
    get the design you want."

    Finally a review from Joe Greco of this technology can
    be found here:

    IMO Joe Greco does the best job of describing this technology.

    I and many others know you can have both. You don't have
    to make the sacrifice and compromise.

    jon_banquer, Aug 11, 2003
  10. Matt, I say this from the standpoint of trying to get more of my ID's
    using 3D solid modeling as a conceptual tool. Actually my team, using
    ProE and Solidworks, have control of and release manufacturable
    surfaces to our clients (clients with external ME teams). We are very
    proud of this fact that we have control of the external tools
    surfaces, but I work very hard at maintaining this.
    Matt, you have me very curious about this. Would you mind sharing with
    me what IDEO office you had this experience with and who from IDEO was

    Thanks for you comments.
    Mark Biasotti, Aug 11, 2003
  11. I think I'm going to regret this, but here it goes…

    Jon, I don't understand your feelings for SWX verses Think3.

    I've followed think3 since the CadLab days and even betaed it a few
    years ago. Granted it is a robust surface modeler and I especially
    like the way it can "cap" surfaces (3 sided). In this area it out
    shines SWX. Now I haven't look at it for about 6 months but did an
    on-line demo with them at that time. From what I could see of it, I
    was still very concerned about the interface (the sketcher,
    dynamic-ness and menu layout and iconage) which has always been it's
    weakness. I also feel that in the solid modeling aspect, it is not as
    good as SWX.

    For me it is not and issue of whether I use think3 or SWX, but which
    is the prevailing modeler in the industry currently. Unfortunately, I
    actually don't have the luxury of picking which modeler I use, but I
    use what the Fortune 500 consumer products industry uses. Currently
    that is about 40 percent SWX, 50 percent ProE, and 10 percent Alias.
    Keep in mind in almost all cases that Alias is being used along side a
    parametric Solid modeler when it comes to released database.

    As good as a surface modeler as think3 is, it is not a player in the
    US market and compatibility and parametric database is so important to
    us ( product design consultancies). Now of course, this is a different
    issue for a manufacturer, in that they, in large part, can make a CAD
    product choice, and work very comfortably in building there investment
    in that modeler.
    But, at IDEO, I've personally benefited from using several modelers,
    both surface based (Alias and CDRS) as well as solid based
    (SolidDesigner, ProE, and SWX). They all have there strengths and

    Of all of the modelers I've experienced over the last 19 years, SWX
    has been the most progressive, creative and attentive toward the
    customer. Keep in mind that SWX is in its 7th year of production and
    in its 8th revision (you can't really count '95 or the plus revs.).
    When it was at SWX96, ProEngineer was at rev. 16 and in its18th year
    of production. We often forget how far its (SWX) coming in about half
    the time other modelers have evolved.

    I think that SWX and think3 are more alike today than they have ever
    been in there ability to do hybrid surface/solid modeling.
    I talked many hours with SWX in the late ‘90's and early 2000 period
    about what think3 had and what SWX didn't. As a result (and also
    others like a lot of the users in this forum) they listened and
    incorporated multi-body which now gives you the ability to delete a
    face and turn a solid into a surface body manifold and then back to a
    solid as many times as you'd like. But unlike think3, they made it
    very intuitive and easy to do. I don't say this to be boastful, but
    only to assure you that they are listening to their customer.

    From everything I can see, they are equipped to go forward and improve
    on the area of surface modeling. The fill surface alone, should be
    evidence of this alone, and they are not going to stop there. I'd love
    to divulge more, but of course, I can't being under NDA.

    Now, as you can see from my posted, do I think SWX is perfect or "they
    have arrived"? no they haven't. But, they have made a lot of progress
    in the pass seven years, and from every indication they are still
    going at a pretty healthy pace in adding new functionality. The one
    big area that I'm still hitting pretty hard on is the area of accuracy
    and tolerance especially in the area of hybrid surface solid modeling.
    In this area SWX still need a lot of work.
    Mark Biasotti, Aug 11, 2003
  12. Arthur Y-S

    matt Guest

    (Mark Biasotti) wrote in


    It was the Boston office, and it was a lasting impression. I don't hold
    any grudges, but I'm more careful to look before I leap since that
    experience. I wouldn't name any names, this was in 1998.
    matt, Aug 11, 2003
  13. Various snips throughout
    A very nice post, Mark. At least one ME agrees with you completely on the
    above points. I sure hope your friends in Cambridge are listening to you on

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Aug 11, 2003
  14. Arthur Y-S

    matt Guest

    I'd just like to offer one thing that helped me deal with JB, CH, and

    Get a good news reader that allows you to filter out people that don't post
    anything worth reading. I use Xnews, and I haven't seen a single post from
    banquer since he started this latest installment on his "insane CAD jihad"
    as someone else put it once.

    You can get Xnews for free at You'll be plonking
    and killfiling in no time!

    Could someone repost that link to the picture of JB with a tinfoil helmet
    and a broom? That was classic!

    matt, Aug 13, 2003
  15. Arthur Y-S

    jon_banquer Guest

    ALL RIGHT JOn you go to your corner and Cliff you go to
    You won't be the first. God only knows how many posters to
    alt.machines.cnc got sick of Cliffy and his buddies and the
    result is a very successful Web Forum where Cliffy's
    stalking tactics are not welcome and won't be tolerated.
    That Web Forum is:

    Lets deal with the FACTS:

    Where in this thread has Cliffy addressed the problems with
    SolidWorks surfacing or made *any suggestions* on how to
    improve it ??? Tell me, please... where ??? Cliffy
    can't as he has never used SolidWorks.
    No it doesn't. If you don't have the right tool for the job
    many times you can't get the job done period. What your
    saying is that you can and in many cases this is not true.

    If you show up to race at the Indy 500 in say a shiny new
    Corvette how well do you think you would do ???
    It is a moot point for you and for many others in this
    newsgroup who really don't understand what the issues are
    and why the problems exist in SolidWorks as the product
    tries to transition for a solid only modeling concept. The
    fact is that the solid only modeling concept does not work
    for many users. Frankly, I don't give a **** what you or any
    one else buys. What I do care about is that they understand
    the technology. I see *very little effort on your part* to
    understand the approach taken by competing products. Without
    this effort, you really have *no idea* how to fix the problems
    with SolidWorks.... and when it comes to surfacing SolidWorks
    has *lots* of problems.
    Cliffy has NEVER used Solidworks. EVER. How in the world
    would Cliffy know ??? Cliffy is not in favor of mid-priced CAD/CAM
    and has said so numerous times. He feels companies are
    better off laying out large dollars for Unigraphics and I'm
    happy to put up the posts where Cliffy has said as much.
    I'm on topic discussing SolidWorks attempt to get better at
    surfacing. Please point out where Cliffy has done the same.

    jon_banquer, Aug 13, 2003
  16. Arthur Y-S

    jon_banquer Guest

    I'd just like to offer one thing that helped me deal with
    Seems like a better idea than the stunt you pulled trying
    to get Black Dragon's ISP to dump him because you did not
    like what he had to say about SolidWorks. You also encouraged
    others to do the same and even went further by listing his home
    address and home phone number.

    BTW, I'm still ROTFLMFAO because you don't think surfaces
    are needed. That post of yours was a classic. That you continue
    to believe this is just as humorous.

    jon_banquer, Aug 14, 2003
  17. Arthur Y-S

    jon_banquer Guest

    ALL RIGHT JOn you go to your corner and Cliff you go to yours. If you
    Perhaps this post from yesterday might give you a much better idea of
    what is going on and will continue to go on. It is for this reason that
    numerous Web Forums are being started where Cliffy and his pals
    behavior will not be tolerated.


    From: Neil George ()
    Subject: Re: Simultaneous 5-Axes Module That Can Be Licensed
    Newsgroups: alt.machines.cnc
    Date: 2003-08-13 16:41:52 PST

    As usual Cliff and Gary, you two fucking clowns stopped
    another interesting thread dead in its tracks with your
    fucking Banquer rants, and the same old stupid jokes. You
    two may have a bug up your ass with Jon, but frankly, there
    are some of us, that actually have the intellect to glean
    whatever information is relevant from Jon Banquers post, and
    actually do some fact finding missions of our own. As far as
    I am concerned, and I keep asking myself, who the **** made
    you two the Banquer Police force. Whether you agree or
    disagree with Jon Banquer, and whether he is right or wrong,
    some of us might enjoy what he brings to the table. At least
    when he posts, he gives us something to think about, and
    possibly something to read up on. Wish I could say the same
    for you two when Jon is around. When you two reply to posts
    with your adult mode switched on, there is some very
    valuable information and expertise to tap into. However when
    you both have your Banquer mode switch on, then sorry to
    tell you fellas, it ain't worth repeating.

    Very Best Regards.
    Neil George
    jon_banquer, Aug 14, 2003
  18. Arthur Y-S

    jon_banquer Guest

    For me it is not and issue of whether I use think3 or SWX,
    Perhaps these companies can see something that you and
    plenty of others in this newsgroup don't want to see or
    acknowledge. One of these companies is right in both your
    and SolidWorks Corp's own backyard.

    The think3 strategy is to go after larger companies with
    *much better technology* and focus ALL their efforts on
    that. Check out the employees that think3 has hired to get
    this job done. Check out what their background is and who
    they use to do the same thing for.

    Wait till you see what company makes the move to thinkdesign with
    Global Shape Modeling next. ;>)
    Do you use what Maytag now uses ???

    Do you use what Bose now uses ???

    Do you like Audi's or VW's ???

    How soon before it's recognized that SolidWorks
    has no one at the level that Alain Massabo is. He's
    the best in the business by far, Mark.

    jon_banquer, Aug 15, 2003
  19. Arthur Y-S

    jon_banquer Guest

    Hell if GSM was all that was needed then we will all be
    I guess that I'm going to enjoy the company of some of the
    most noted consumer products manufactors who can see what
    you and many other in this newsgroup can't see :

    "For companies like Maytag and Bose, competitiveness and
    profitability are directly tied to the effectiveness of
    their product development process. think3 offers these
    companies an advantage they can't get anywhere else -
    advanced design solutions that put product innovation at the
    center of their businesses and accelerate time-to-benefits."

    "Global Shape Modeling (GSM) technology, offers advanced
    shape design capabilities and unparalleled surface/solid
    interoperability, giving industrial designers the levels of
    freedom and power they need to bring superior, innovative
    products to market faster. Developed by Alain Massabo,
    think3 GSM technology provides unmatched flexibility and
    control over design modifications, dramatically accelerating
    project turnaround time."

    "As a company, think3 provides a world-class development
    environment - this has enabled us to attract and retain the
    highest caliber of experience and talent in R&D and
    industrial design," said Massabo, vice president of advance
    research and development. "think3's commitment to driving
    innovation in the product development industry is felt
    throughout the organization, and especially among the
    research and engineering teams. Our kernel and product
    architecture are enabling us to create technology never
    thought possible in this lifetime." "

    Perhaps it's time to change the title of this thread to:

    Old Thinking In SolidWorks And What Can Be Done To Change

    First, however, more posters to this newsgroup will have to
    ask themselves why companies like California Design Center
    VW/Audi, Maytag and Bose are right now switching to think3's

    jon (If recognizing, admitting and acknowledging superior
    technology means I'm groveling then so be it. If someone is
    totally incapable of doing this... what does that make them ?
    How about : a totally blind loyalist.)
    jon_banquer, Aug 15, 2003
  20. Arthur Y-S

    Gary Knutson Guest

    Gary Knutson, Aug 15, 2003
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