New System Specs - Suggestions?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by skymonkey_14, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. skymonkey_14

    skymonkey_14 Guest


    I recently purchased a new system (for about 2K), with the following

    -Intel Core 2 Duo 6600 2.4GhZ processor
    -Asus P5B Deluxe WiFi edition mobo
    -2GB Kingston Ram
    -620W Liberty power supply
    -nVidia Quadro FX 1500 Graphics card.

    Shoudl work tickety-boo, but for some reason the monitor keeps
    flashing off randomly - seems to be a driver issue with the nVidia
    card. Without going into greusome details, after copious amounts of
    troubleshooting there has been no resolution to this problem, so I
    feel that I am at a point where I really need to rebuild a system from
    the ground up.

    The types of work I do involve quite a bit of surfacing, and fairly
    large assemblies with complex surfaces (often around 200 parts, with
    approximately 25% of them being complex).

    I think I might try a new board. A few boards I have considered:

    -Asus P5W DH Deluxe (would the ATI CrossFire Technology conflict with
    the nVidia Quadro FX 1500?)
    -Asus nForce board (not sure exactly which one)

    Any other suggestions? Any preferences? Any combinations to
    definitely avoid?
    skymonkey_14, Feb 7, 2007
  2. skymonkey_14

    ryanhay Guest

    try the latest approved quadro driver 84.26 rings a bell. i have a
    fx1400 never an issue are you running the latest SP?

    does this happen with one version of SW maybe load 2006 or 2005

    just an idea this seems like you say a driver issue 84.26 are pretty
    old but work fine.

    if that doesnt help then maybe its the card something does not sound
    right maybe even the moniter.
    ryanhay, Feb 7, 2007
  3. skymonkey_14

    skymonkey_14 Guest

    thanks for the suggestions, but EVERYTHING, literally everything with
    this current combination has been tried. It is not the monitor, it is
    not the VC, it's some crazy invisible conflict that the system just
    can't handle. I've tried all the drivers, every version of SW from
    2005 to 2007 and at this point, I can't waste any more time or money
    on this system.
    skymonkey_14, Feb 7, 2007
  4. skymonkey_14

    mikemcd Guest

    yes ati crossfire is not nvidia compatible
    mikemcd, Feb 7, 2007
  5. skymonkey_14

    skymonkey_14 Guest

    interesting... the mobo specs say that it is cross platform GPU....
    skymonkey_14, Feb 7, 2007
  6. skymonkey_14

    YouGoFirst Guest

    Not quite, the incompatibility is only there if you are going to have more
    than one graphics card installed. An NVIDIA card will work in a crossfire
    board, but will not be capable of SLI, the same works in reverse a ATI
    crossfire cards will not work in crossfire mode on an SLI enabled board.
    YouGoFirst, Feb 7, 2007
  7. skymonkey_14

    skymonkey_14 Guest

    hmmm... this is scaring me now! I'm having a new mobo put in tomorrow
    (P5N of some description).

    I hope this takes care of it. The system actually crashed out today,
    citing a driver video card issue. nVidia claims that there should be
    no issue....
    skymonkey_14, Feb 7, 2007
  8. skymonkey_14

    YouGoFirst Guest

    My father-in-law has a NVIDIA card running without any problem in an ATI
    motherboard. His only limitation is that if he wants to put multiple
    graphic cards in it, he will have to get ATI cards.
    YouGoFirst, Feb 8, 2007
  9. skymonkey_14

    mikemcd Guest

    sorry i didnt know you had only one nvidia card
    when i hear crossfire i assumed you were using the crossfire linked
    which wont work with nvidias sli
    mikemcd, Feb 9, 2007
  10. skymonkey_14

    Zander Guest

    Hi skymonkey, I have a P5B deluxe wifi with an nvidia fx1400 and it
    runs perfectly. I'm not sure what is causing trouble for you but I've
    bought 4 of the p5b boards in the last 5 months and they all are
    working great.

    One question(although I guess it's too late now!) is about the bios,
    the bios the p5b (and probably most new boards) is updated practically
    every week). I think I've updated mine about 5 times since I got it.

    Zander, Feb 9, 2007
  11. skymonkey_14

    skymonkey_14 Guest


    thanks for the input. For some reason, I am just having difficulty
    with the P5B (despite everyone I've talked to not having any
    difficulty). I'm trying out the P5N, and hopefullly so far, so
    skymonkey_14, Feb 13, 2007
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