new SP scheme

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by MM, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. MM

    MM Guest

    I just noticed SW has changed their service pack scheme. Now you download
    whatever you happen to be running, Basic SW, office, office pro, etc. I
    "assume" this is to reduce file size for those who don't have all the bells
    an whistles.

    I got a question, what if your running Basic SW with one or two addons, like
    photoworks, and not one of the bundles ???

    Does Photoworks get updated if you apply the basic SP ??? If not, will it
    allow you to run a SP for a bundle that contains Photoworks with out F%*#ing
    up your system, or giving you an error ??

    I got a feeling I'm not going to like the answer, but does anyone know ??


    MM, Apr 22, 2005
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