New Ship in Bottle

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mr. Me, Oct 19, 2004.

  1. Mr. Me

    Mr. Me Guest

    First runs 50 rebuilds

    Dual 3.4 Xeon 800 MHz FSB
    2 Gig PC2700 Memory
    10k SATA drives
    Nvida Quadro FX 3400 PCI-E


    Mr. Me
    Mr. Me, Oct 19, 2004
  2. Mr. Me

    Seth Renigar Guest

    Mr. Me,

    What MoBo are you running?
    Seth Renigar, Oct 19, 2004
  3. Mr. Me

    P Guest

    Starting to approach AMD 64 speeds.

    What is the absolute fastest you can do SIB in? Anywhere near 18 sec.?
    P, Oct 20, 2004
  4. Mr. Me

    MM Guest


    Regardless, The intel "still" has to run at nearly twice the AMD64
    clockspeed in order to get there.

    MM, Oct 25, 2004
  5. Mr. Me

    P Guest

    Is it just me, or have the processor speed wars by Intel and AMD
    cooled down of late?

    AnandTech had this to say, and it is scary for a SW user:

    "With 2004 quickly coming to a close, we can't help but wonder if this
    will be the last year for the foreseeable future where we will have a
    processor speed war to talk about. With 2005 destined to be the year
    of multiple cores, and with dual core solutions from both AMD and
    Intel guaranteed to run at lower clock speeds than present day single
    core chips, are the great MHz and GHz races of years past on hiatus
    for a while?"

    If the next speed increase improvements are going to come from
    multiprocessing we, the SW community, are going to be left in the cold
    unless SW64 comes out soon. SW is going to have to backtrack on 4 or 5
    years of 3-5% speed decreases as well. That would be a 20% improvement
    in performance right there.
    P, Oct 25, 2004
  6. Mr. Me

    Mr. Me Guest

    Intel SE7525GP2

    Sorry for the late response but I have not been on this group in a while.
    Mr. Me, Nov 4, 2004
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