New Seat

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Pete Newbie, Apr 1, 2004.

  1. Pete Newbie

    Pete Newbie Guest

    Just to let you guys know, we have just got our second seat of SW2004 pro!
    Nothing special you might think, but our chairman hates PC's and would like
    us to use one pencil and one piece of A5 paper between us, so it is great.

    The selling point was showing him, that a new range design could be done in
    3 weeks, without having to make and remake all of the parts on the shop
    The cost of manufacturing has been greatly reduced, by trying the ideas on
    screen and not on the shop floor.
    He could see the final product on the screen and on print-outs.
    This was done with one person (little o'l me) and with over 400 parts mostly
    drawn but a few downloaded from 3Dcentral.
    I was even able to do some simple stress analysis to prove that a current
    part was unsuitable for the new range.
    With the help from you guys here, I was able to show parts moving in unison
    with limited travel. rather cool , I must say!
    Even better was changing the machine size, using configurations and design
    tables, just by clicking the mouse.

    Eat your heart out Autocad, it took me 2 months, with the last new range,
    with your 2D package. :S
    Pete Newbie, Apr 1, 2004
  2. Always a joy to see a success story - thanks. Enjoy your learning.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 1, 2004
  3. Pete Newbie

    Jeff Mowry Guest

    Yeah, how do you like that? Lots of my clients have their own
    engineering/design departments and end up switching to SW after my

    Working on photorealistic renderings (a la Brian Hill style
    photorealistic) lately and getting a lot of attention. Shinies love
    that stuff.

    Jeff Mowry
    Industrial Designhaus, LLC
    (Remove "GETRIDOFTHIS" from email address)
    Jeff Mowry, Apr 1, 2004
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