New Processors

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by News, Jan 24, 2004.

  1. News

    News Guest

    I just recieved some new processors from Intel (3.2 Xeon 2Mb Cache) I would
    love to benchmark these with SW 2004. Does anyone have any recommendations
    for a benchmarking software? I would like to have one with a large database
    to compare to.

    News, Jan 24, 2004
  2. News

    News Guest

    Ship in bottle, 50 rebuilds 35.42188.................

    Don't know what to compare it too.

    News, Jan 24, 2004
  3. News

    News Guest

    Strange. 32.5625 seconds

    What is the common setup for this? Hidden lines, shaded, shaded with

    News, Jan 24, 2004
  4. News

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    Our new Athlon64 3200+ are running the ship in 29.14. Look back a few
    threads for Mike's "Solidworks getting slower with age" thread. I posted my
    results there.

    Also, I use the spec benchmark (read back a few more threads for one from
    me, from around the first week of Jan). I ran 2003 and then uninstalled
    2003, installed 2004, batch converted all the files and fixed any related
    errors in the models and assy's, then ran the benches again, first with 2004
    sp0 and again with sp2 before it got yanked. Have a look back, you'll
    probably find it interesting. Spec is the closest thing to a standardized
    test. And you'll be able to compare results to those submitted by the
    mfgr's such as Intel, AMD, Dell, HP and IBM (with the 2003 test). Again
    the link is - look for graphics benchmarks.

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Jan 24, 2004
  5. News

    Wilbert Guest

    Intel changing from 478 pin to 775 pin in 2nd quarter. Buying a new P4 -
    Wilbert, Jan 24, 2004
  6. News

    News Guest

    This is true, when their new prescott core comes out! 800 mhz fsb for the
    Xeons!! Should be getting them shortly.

    News, Jan 24, 2004
  7. News

    kellnerp Guest

    Just curious but what are you paying for the Xeons?
    kellnerp, Jan 26, 2004
  8. News

    News Guest

    Between you and I, nothing.........

    To the best of my knowledge the 3.2 with 2 MB cache is not even released
    yet. Man it is great being a developer!
    News, Jan 27, 2004
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