new parts in context of assembly.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Not Necessarily Me, Jul 23, 2004.

  1. I've asked this question before and no one else was having the same problem.
    When creating a new part within an assembly, I can't see the base sketch
    unless I zoom way OUT (not in). Of course this makes it very hard to add
    relations and dimensions. We have two seats here, identical machines and
    this happens only on the machine I use. I feel that it is a setting in
    SolidWorks but I can't find it for the life of me. Anybody else seen this?
    Not Necessarily Me, Jul 23, 2004
  2. Not Necessarily Me

    kenneth b Guest

    i never create a new part in the context of an assy. i "rough it" out as a
    new part, then insert into assy and mate. origin (and orientation) is right
    where i want it every time.
    kenneth b, Jul 23, 2004
  3. Thanks for your reply, but it really doesn't answer my question does it?
    Not Necessarily Me, Jul 23, 2004
  4. Not Necessarily Me

    Krister L Guest

    I'm doing a lot of in context parts in my assys....and I see this
    phenmena....from time time
    Can't really put my finger on what's causing it, but I have a feeling that
    the bigger the assy is the more frequent this behaviour is. Zooming out is
    alaways the workaround and as You say it's hard to pick the right line or
    edge for dimensions or relations after that.
    This is not really related to creating a new part though.....I do it as
    Kenneth describe it ....create a party first...roughly....insert in in place
    and after that edit it, but I get the behaviour anyhow.

    Dell Precision 530
    2x2,8GHz Xeon
    Qadro4 900XGL 128MB
    Krister L, Jul 23, 2004
  5. Not Necessarily Me

    kenneth b Guest

    i get it, subtle hints are not welcome, ok fine.

    you could copy the options from one machine to another.

    don't be fooled by the title, it will also copy assy, prt & system options
    kenneth b, Jul 23, 2004
  6. Not Necessarily Me

    kenneth b Guest

    i'm so used to using filters, i forgot about the software flaw. seems to me
    this became more problematic when change transparency (part) was added for
    2004. i don't remember using filters as much in 2003 as i do now. :)
    kenneth b, Jul 23, 2004
  7. Interesting idea, I've used the Solidworks copy options utility when I
    first noticed the problem. So everything should be the same as the other
    machine that works. But the same file can be opened on the other machine
    and I don't see this problem. I've even swapped video cards trying to
    located the culprit. As you move the pointer over the invisible sketch
    entities they become visible briefly. Maybe I tend to over use the in
    context part creation but I've had very good form fit & function results
    using this method. And considering this is a major selling point of the
    software I would think it should work correctly. Actually I didn't take
    your reply as a "suntle hint", I just thought you didn't understand what I
    was trying to ask.

    thanks for taking the time to try to help,
    Not Necessarily Me, Jul 23, 2004
  8. and now after spell checking...

    Interesting idea, I used the Solidworks copy options utility when I
    first noticed the problem. So everything should be the same as the other
    machine that works. But the same file can be opened on the other machine
    and I don't see this problem. I've even swapped video cards trying to
    locate the culprit. As you move the pointer over the invisible sketch
    entities they become visible briefly. Maybe I tend to over use the in
    context part creation but I've had very good form fit & function results
    using this method. And considering this is a major selling point of the
    software I would think it should work correctly. Actually I didn't take
    your reply as a "subtle hint", I just thought you didn't understand what I
    was trying to ask.

    thanks for taking the time to try to help,

    (its been the longest week of my life!)
    Not Necessarily Me, Jul 23, 2004
  9. Not Necessarily Me

    kenneth b Guest

    as is stated i don't "create" new parts in-context. not doing this is just
    a minor side step.

    however, as a tool, in-context is "in-valuable" for features and sketches
    (even a base sketch) and it works fine for me.
    kenneth b, Jul 23, 2004
  10. Check the setting on both machines for Use Software OpenGL. Is one using it
    and not the other? I've seen something similar on machines with slower
    video cards.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jul 23, 2004
  11. This sounds like an old bug I reported last year. Check to see if
    you have the latest SP. Also, the newer Nvidia drivers cause this
    problem. I think SP 4.1 fixes something along these lines. Look
    at the list on the SW website.

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, Jul 23, 2004
  12. Since you said the machines were identical earlier, I assume that you were
    swapping identical video cards? Are you sure that the two cards are using
    the same drivers?
    Sure sounds like a video card problem.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jul 23, 2004
  13. I having this problem, once in awhile, in SW2003. But haven't had it in
    I really have no idea what you can do to stop it from happening either.

    Richard Charney, Jul 23, 2004
  14. I thought the workaround was to turn on shadows in shaded mode,
    then turn them off.

    It happened when a sketch reached a certain size. Maybe draw a
    giant circle and change sizes until you reach the threshold.

    Mike J. Wilson, Jul 23, 2004
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