new.mnu - startup - menuload

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by MS, Nov 26, 2004.

  1. MS

    MS Guest

    (Win XP, Acad Map 3D 2005 SP2)

    I have made my own mnu-file + standard acad.mnu.
    I load (menuload) my mnu-file and everything is fine.

    BUT every time I start autocad i need to load my mnu-file!
    How can I get my mnu to load automaticly at every startup?

    I did not have this "problem" at autocad 2000i


    MS, Nov 26, 2004
  2. MS

    Walt Engle Guest

    DON'T use menuload. Use MENU to load and compile your acad.mnu. Menuload
    is use to load Express or other menus.
    Walt Engle, Nov 26, 2004
  3. MS

    ECCAD Guest

    ;; Load the "Menu_Name" menu..from calling process..
    (if (= Menu_Name nil)(setq Menu_Name "MYMENU")); default
    (setq Menu_Path "c:/path/path/menus/"); Path to local Menus
    ;; Load Pop Menu
    (if (= Menu_Name "MYMENU")
    (if (findfile (strcat Menu_Path Menu_Name ".mnc"))
    (if (/= (menugroup "GROUPNAME") nil)
    (command "_MENUUNLOAD" "GROUPNAME")
    ); end if
    (if (= (menugroup "GROUPNAME") nil)
    (command "_MENULOAD" (strcat Menu_Path Menu_Name))
    (menucmd "P16=+GROUPNAME.POP1")
    ); end progn
    ); end if
    ); end progn
    ); end if
    ); end progn
    ); end if
    ECCAD, Nov 26, 2004
  4. MS

    MS Guest

    Thanks for helping.

    But I end up by using a button.....

    MENULOAD "C:/Documents and Settings/xxx/Application Data/Autodesk/Autodesk
    Map 3D 2005/R16.1/enu/Support/xxx.mnc"

    MS, Nov 28, 2004
  5. MS

    Tom Smith Guest

    Contrary to Walt, you are free to use whatever you want as your base menu,
    and to load any other partial menus that you choose. The only distinction is
    that you use MENU to load the base menu, which I'd assume is the Acad menu,
    and you use MENULOAD to load any partial menus, which I'd assume is your
    custom one.

    Whatever menus you load/menuload will be loaded automatically in every
    drawing session unless something is wrong. You do not need to do any kind of
    menuloading in each session, regardless of whether it's by lisp or a button.
    You need to fix whatever is wrong, in order to eliminate that unnecessary

    A common reason for partial menus failing to load is that the filename
    doesn't match the menu group name. If your menu is named coolmenu.mns, then
    it must begin with the line ***MENUGROUP=COOLMENU. If the filename and the
    group name in the file don't match, it won't reload next time.
    Tom Smith, Nov 29, 2004
  6. MS

    MS Guest

    Exactly. Solves my "problem".
    (I did use "space" in the file name and at ***MENUGROUP=file name.mns)
    No "space" an everything is fine again.

    Thank you.

    MS, Nov 30, 2004
  7. MS

    Tom Smith Guest

    No problem, I hate to see people adopt a complicated fix for a simple
    problem. Mismatched names is a common glitch, I forgot the space character
    Tom Smith, Nov 30, 2004
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