New Micro ATX mobo reccomendation

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wonderman, Feb 28, 2009.

  1. Wonderman

    Wonderman Guest

    I have a Sony desktop water cooled running a Pentium D 2.8 / SWX 09 / 32 and
    wanted to get the groups ideas on replacing the board / chip / memory with
    something that will beat the current Vista score of 4.7 for the CPU. Rest
    of components run at 5.9. No gaming at all just want to render a whole lot
    faster as this thing gets pinned to 100% in Photoworks / Photview.

    Current PS is 385 watts. I'll likely run in 32 until SWX 2010 comes out.
    Appreciate all ideas
    Wonderman, Feb 28, 2009
  2. Wonderman

    tnik Guest

    If your doing rendering, and your going to spend money on a system, why
    not just go balls to the wall?

    check out Anna's blog at she's built a Core i7 system
    that might just give you a woody.. Especially if your doing rendering..

    I can't see the point of dropping money on a system that your going to
    be using for one year, just to upgrade again.. Especially when spending
    that money really won't solve your problems. I would purchase a good i7
    system now, that way you'll be set for a few years to come. (hopefully

    But, if your hellbent on just doing a minor upgrade, the more cores the
    better, and the faster the processor the better.. So going with a high
    end Quad core (multiple would be best, but since your trying to fit it
    in a baby case, it probably isn't going to work) you DO NOT want a
    server processor (eg. xeon) , 64bit vista, and maxing out the RAM the
    mobo can take would be my suggestion.. might have to upgrade that lil
    power supply you have tho..
    tnik, Mar 2, 2009
  3. Wonderman

    Wonderman Guest

    Well its just an OS upgradde after a year or so. Maybe to Windows 7 64. THe
    i& sounds great but since its my own money I'll have to pass for the time
    being. I was under the impression a 385 watt PS is sufficient. ?? I'll
    stick wwith a quad with maybe 8meg and a higher mhz.
    Wonderman, Mar 2, 2009
  4. Wonderman

    tnik Guest

    np, I would have a hard time spending that much on an i7 too..

    Tell me this, how much are you willing to spend?
    tnik, Mar 3, 2009
  5. Wonderman

    Wonderman Guest

    I think for a MB, quad chip and maybe 4MB memory it looks like its worth
    about $3 - $325 or so. All the other parts in the sytem remain the same
    other than a TV card I hope will run in 64 eventually.
    Wonderman, Mar 3, 2009
  6. Wonderman

    jim.zink Guest

    You might find that the Sony uses a proprietary board layout and PS
    connections and you may not be able to easily upgrade the motherboard.

    I'd suggest checking out Dell Precision T3400s on the Dell Outlet
    center. They have quite a few with Core2 Duo 2.6 GHz processors, 2GB
    RAM and an FX 570 graphics card for $539. While not ideal, the C2D
    2.66 would easily be twice as fast as what you have now and you can
    upgrade to 4GB RAM for next to nothing.

    I also see a quad core 2.4 GHz system with dual 80 GB hard drives, 4GB
    RAM and the FX570 for $809 and several with dual 320GB drives for just
    over $1k. Again, not absolute top performance, but MUCH faster than
    what you have and MUCH less expensive than a Core i7 system - and
    they're covered by a 3 year warranty.
    jim.zink, Mar 3, 2009
  7. Wonderman

    paul Guest


    I think I'm missing something because I'm not getting the values (>
    $200-$300) when I enter the options at Dell... where/what/.. are these
    refurbs or,.. do Dells prices change every few hours?

    For the $539 system you mention,.. I come up with a total greater than
    For the $809 system you mention,.. I come up with a total greater than
    And.. the last is well over $1,300

    Is there a saved pdf on the ones you saw?

    I don't get where i7 is that much more,.. anybody can build a core i7
    920 for easily under $1,200.00
    (and/or add $270 for the 940 and $720 for the 965).

    I'll put a pdf to show this...
    paul, Mar 3, 2009
  8. Wonderman

    Wonderman Guest

    This Sony uses an ASUS MB. All the connectors are standard. But my
    limiting factor other than cash is that I have to use a micro ATX board. My
    reasoning in sticking with this case is that it is totally silent ( water
    cooled ) and the balance of the components are new / relatively new.
    Important for a desktop in a real quiet location to be as quiet as it is .

    There is a microATX board plus the i7 will run me over $600.
    Wonderman, Mar 4, 2009
  9. Wonderman

    paul Guest

    paul, Mar 4, 2009
  10. Wonderman

    paul Guest

    paul, Mar 4, 2009
  11. Wonderman

    Wonderman Guest

    Wonderman, Mar 4, 2009
  12. Wonderman

    paul Guest

    paul, Mar 4, 2009
  13. Wonderman

    Wonderman Guest

    Hey Thanks ! I took a close look at the board nad it looks like I'll have
    to go with a Gigabyte. On these Asus boards there is what looks like a
    right angle IDE connector off the back and for my case that aint gonna work.
    I have to exit the board at 90 degrees.

    well,. quickly looking it's not bad...

    Wonderman, Mar 4, 2009
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