New layers and layer states

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by AHILL, Apr 14, 2004.

  1. AHILL

    AHILL Guest

    I have seen a few discussions about this but no suggestions. What I am looking for is a way to control how new layers are addressed by existing layer states. One way would be for the creation of new layers to open a prompt asking how the layer will "be" in each layer state. the other way would be that when you activate a layer state, a prompt would show all layers that have been added since the last activation of the layer state, and ask how each new layer should be dealt with. I know this is a lot, but I also know you guys love to amaze!!! (come on ECCAD)

    ANYONE UP TO THE CHALLENGE?!?!? I know there are alot of folks who would love this one.

    AHILL, Apr 14, 2004
  2. AHILL

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    Another challenge?

    I personally think, when someone uses that term, "Do this for

    It's actually not a challenge, but a no brainer.

    Yeah this easy to do...

    But I'm not up to the challenge... anyone else?

    looking for is a way to control how new layers are addressed by existing
    layer states. One way would be for the creation of new layers to open a
    prompt asking how the layer will "be" in each layer state. the other way
    would be that when you activate a layer state, a prompt would show all
    layers that have been added since the last activation of the layer state,
    and ask how each new layer should be dealt with. I know this is a lot, but
    I also know you guys love to amaze!!! (come on ECCAD)
    Rudy Tovar, Apr 14, 2004
  3. AHILL

    AHILL Guest

    Ok Ok, of course I am asking someone to do this for me... it is not a no brainer if you don't know how to do it. I kind of thought that was the beauty of this forum... that little people like me could pick the brains of the many generous people who actually enjoy helping others. that's fine if you are so busy you don't feel obliged to help someone else out... but if you're taking the time to respond to a post to simply say you can't (won't) help, how busy can you really be? Maybe its a monetary thing? And if it is such a no brainer then why protect the information so? Any way, it always puts a smile on my face to see things taken so personally in here :) Just looking for an answer to a question I bet you at one point had yourself.

    keep smiling...CAD is not the end of the world.

    AHILL, Apr 15, 2004
  4. AHILL

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    I'm smiling....

    But you need to sort of word it right for others to offer their help.

    You're right, everyone will help.

    But just ask next time, you'll get tons of answers.

    Note, I'm the only one that replied.

    brainer if you don't know how to do it. I kind of thought that was the
    beauty of this forum... that little people like me could pick the brains of
    the many generous people who actually enjoy helping others. that's fine if
    you are so busy you don't feel obliged to help someone else out... but if
    you're taking the time to respond to a post to simply say you can't (won't)
    help, how busy can you really be? Maybe its a monetary thing? And if it is
    such a no brainer then why protect the information so? Any way, it always
    puts a smile on my face to see things taken so personally in here :) Just
    looking for an answer to a question I bet you at one point had yourself.
    Rudy Tovar, Apr 16, 2004
  5. AHILL

    ECCAD Guest

    New Layers may be defined by 'inserts'. You will have no control over those. All you can do is to pop on the Layers Icon, and set them the way you want..How about a routine
    that prompts for a pick, grab the object, check layername, layerstate, then 'do' whatever ?

    ECCAD, Apr 16, 2004
  6. AHILL

    AHILL Guest

    Thank you Rudy for your reply...
    I am sort of a rookie at computing (and certainly at DG etiquette!) I actually only turned off my caps lock and quit yelling after someone pointed that out. Something new everyday :) I'll be more conscious of my wording in the future.
    AHILL, Apr 19, 2004
  7. AHILL

    AHILL Guest


    I have had to put this on hold for a while (current project mngr not using layer states on this one). I appreciate your comments, and will digest them in the near future.

    AHILL, Apr 19, 2004
  8. AHILL

    ECCAD Guest

    OK, go back to sleep. :)
    ECCAD, Apr 19, 2004
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