new kind of lockup

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by matt.feider, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. matt.feider

    matt.feider Guest

    I have been getting a new kind of lockup in SolidWorks since we have
    upgraded to 2007. I am wondering if anyone else out there is
    experiencing this. The other variable here is we have recently
    upgraded most of our designers to dual monitors.

    This most often happens when trying to open a assembly or drawing. And
    when doing so the model or drawing will get to the point where it will
    show you the graphics and allow you to pan and spin, but the model tree
    never loads and the little status progress bar (typically green and in
    the lower left bar) never shows any of the green bars like it is doing

    The weird state of this is that you can get to all the drop down menus
    and spin the model and everything acts like solidworks is still there
    mentally. Even when you check Task Manager it says the app is
    responding. But if you actually click any drop down - nothing happens.
    So even though in this state it looks like you can do stuff, all it
    acts like is that it is crashed. You can leave it in this state for
    quite a while and the model tree will never show up.

    The other interesting thing is that the title bar of the application
    goes to the inactive color (typically a lighter blue). My thought is
    that a dialog box is opening up somewhere where I cannot see it or
    answer it and this is why solidworks is behaving this way. But to date
    I have no idea how to figure this one out.

    I have tried reloading both OS and SolidWorks, even messed around quite
    a bit with video card settings. We have standardaized on nVida and
    there are options to force the display of dialog boxes and such in
    there on particular monitors. But so far none of this has been

    We also have DBWorks in the mix and I haven't totally ruled out its
    interaction as well.

    Any others out there with ideas?

    matt.feider, Jan 12, 2007
  2. matt.feider

    JKimmel Guest

    That happened to me at an "Advanced" assemblies class using SP-0. The
    VAR instructor pooh-poohed it, showed me how to fix it. I can't
    remember what I did.

    J Kimmel

    "Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum." - When you have
    their full attention in your grip, their hearts and minds will follow.
    JKimmel, Jan 12, 2007
  3. matt.feider

    Zander Guest

    Hi Matt,

    This is the exact error I've been having since 2007 as well, I've
    reported it to my var 2 or 3 times but it's not easily reproducable.
    This is the same error that led to a corrupted assembly in a recent
    topic I posted.

    At first it happened mainly with drawings - and I thought that loading
    drawings lightweight was the culprit. But that has proven to not be
    the case. I've started saving everything before I open a drawing.
    Please let me know if you find anything....

    Zander, Jan 12, 2007
  4. matt.feider

    solid steve Guest

    Hi Matt

    Yep just the same, since 2007 now at sp2.2.

    Mainly with assembly drawings, can be simple but not reproducible.

    win xp32, SW premium.
    2x opteron 154, 2x 10,000 rpm disk, 4 Gb ram,
    nvidia fx3450, 24" 1920 x 1200 LCD.

    solid steve, Jan 15, 2007
  5. matt.feider

    mbiasotti Guest

    Matt, have you tried the "use Software OpenGL only" option to rule out
    graphics card problem?


    mbiasotti, Jan 15, 2007
  6. matt.feider

    Matt Feider Guest

    I have not tried that yet, but I plan too. We do have an nvidia 3450
    with I think the approved driver version in this machine and not had had
    problems before, but who knows maybe something is going on with the
    driver or version I have loaded. I have about 10 other people
    apparently having this issue as well and who have not been saying
    anything as they thought it was just a normal crash. They have all
    various nVidia drivers and cards.

    I do have 3 gig mode enabled on this machine, that is another thing that
    I might turn off just to see if there is an effect.

    Matt Feider, Jan 15, 2007
  7. You have the switch turned on - do you have a user value set also? If so,
    what is the number?

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 15, 2007
  8. matt.feider

    Zander Guest

    I've been speaking to my var about this issue for about 2 months - just
    now I've heard back that this issue may be somehow connected to using

    I do use dual 19" lcd's on a FX1400. So are you or anyone else with
    this issue using dual display?

    Zander, Jan 15, 2007
  9. matt.feider

    matt.feider Guest

    yes, we do use dual monitors (and as far as I know the users that don't
    have this issue are still only on one monitor) and I have been
    suspecting for sometime that that is part of the problem as we have
    just started changing to these. I have been running dual monitors for
    2 years now, but alot of the designers only for the last few months and
    at about the same time we upgraded to 2007.

    One troublesome thing I am experiencing is the setup. Normal users can
    mess with these settings so I am not sure if there are specific areas
    to review. As some users (when left and right monitors are screwed up)
    instead of changing the hardware connections use the nVidia settings to
    flip there monitors or use the Windows settings to drag the 2nd window
    to the left of the 1st window. There are also some that use horizontal
    span rather than DualView, etc there are just a ton of options to do

    This is another area (though it will be like pulling teeth) is going to
    be to take a monitor away for a few days to see if the issue goes away.

    matt.feider, Jan 15, 2007
  10. matt.feider

    matt.feider Guest

    typically I add /userva=2900 as I don't like taking all the resources.
    I think that is the lowest you can go, but I would have to look this up

    matt.feider, Jan 15, 2007
  11. matt.feider

    John H Guest

    I occasionally get this and I'm on 2006 - so it's not a "new kind of

    John H
    John H, Jan 19, 2007
  12. matt.feider

    Matt Johnson Guest

    It seems like I get this once a day. I have a dual monitor setup as
    well. It seems to only happen when opening large assemblies, so
    perhaps the large assemlby mode is a possible culprit. -Matt.
    Matt Johnson, Jan 19, 2007
  13. matt.feider

    POH Guest

    This may not be a factor; however, it's worth taking a look at the
    System Options menu for SolidWorks (Tools/Options in the main menu) to
    check the Performance setting for "No preview during open (faster)".

    The only thing you lose by placing a checkmark by the option is a
    shaded preview which can be dynamically rotated, etc. for viewing while
    the file opens.

    I've found the typical reduction in file loading time to be much faster
    when No preview is selected...

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Jan 19, 2007
  14. matt.feider

    lmar Guest


    Same problem - Dual Monitors (Dell 20" Widescreens).
    Started happening around the same time we upgraded to 2007.
    So much for waiting until SP 2.0.

    lmar, Jan 21, 2007
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