New Dell M90?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bo, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. Bo

    Bo Guest

    The Dell guys at SolidWorks World noted that the next gen of the M70
    would be out in March.

    Lots of "special deals" are on Dell right now @ 1/3 off or so, and

    "...word on the proverbial street is that Dell has some new Latitude
    business laptops on the way. The reported model numbers are D-420,
    D-620 (pictured), D-820, and m-90, which range from 12 to 17-inches in
    screen size.

    "the 8 pound, 17-inch m-90 sports a 512MB Quadro graphics card. That's
    all we "know" for now, but hopefully more will be revealed tomorrow."

    Quoted from:

    Bo, Mar 14, 2006
  2. Bo

    ken Guest

    M90? What happened to the M80? Blew up?

    ken, Mar 14, 2006
  3. Bo

    Bo Guest

    Good Question on the M80.

    Turns out an IBM server or workstation uses the M80 designation.

    Bo, Mar 14, 2006
  4. Bo

    m0101 Guest

    What is this group all about................................??
    see you can share ideas.....................
    m0101, Mar 14, 2006
  5. Bo

    Bo Guest


    The rumor on the street is that Dell is in the process of buying
    Alienware. Alienware resumes are flying according to the same rumor.

    So, now it really gets interesting.

    Buy a dual core Dell M90 (probably similar to M70 approx $4k on M70)
    that comes out in a few days OR...

    Buy an Alienware MJ-12 M7700a with an AMD Opteron 154 (2.8 ghz) with an
    NVIDIA Quadro & 17" LCD (15.6 x 11.7 x 2.1) about $5k.

    Choices, choices.

    Bo, Mar 15, 2006
  6. Dang - I tried to scroll....

    (Almost didn't admit it, though.)


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    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 15, 2006
  7. Bo

    Bo Guest

    And the 3rd option is...?

    Thanks - Bo
    Bo, Mar 15, 2006
  8. Bo

    Bo Guest

    Well, a Dell "Special Deal" right about now on an M20 or M70 just
    before or after the new model arrives ought to be available today with
    basic specs for $1373-1723, and if you l crank the options up to a
    decent level, you add about $1000 on both machines.

    Clicking the "Discount Details" button on the Dell website shows a $425
    web discount from their website. I don't know what a refurb'd demo
    might price at.

    In my book that is reasonable pricing, though not cutting edge
    hardware, but then how near to cutting edge do you want.

    My M60 right now is still no slouch in running SolidWorks 2006 SP 3.4,
    and it is 2 years old w/only 1 Gig of RAM and a 7200 RPM HD, as long as
    I don't run large assemblies, which I rarely do.

    Good Choices Exist - Bo
    Bo, Mar 15, 2006
  9. Bo

    Bo Guest

    I understand.
    Home, my shop/office, patent attorney, toolmakers, vendors, assembly
    shop floor, molding, hospitals, RP job shop, product planning meetings
    or in other words, lots of places, so for me it makes a lot of sense.

    Bo, Mar 15, 2006
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