New cad machine AMD or Intel

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ryanhay, Jan 23, 2007.

  1. ryanhay

    ryanhay Guest

    I did a quick search and wasn't able to find allot on what to get.

    I like AMD currently have a intel pent D overclocked to 3.6 or 3.9 on
    2gb or ram and need more speed.
    Quadro Fx1500 running 2006 sp5

    Are people have good results with 64 bit XP? are there driver issues?
    or would it be better to start looking at AMD again.

    Looking for advice if i go AMD what is the series of processor to get?

    wondering how many people running SW on 64 with success? and are there
    no driver issues?

    Thanks in advance

    Ryan Hay
    Solid Design Systems
    ryanhay, Jan 23, 2007
  2. ryanhay

    YouGoFirst Guest

    You would be better off getting an Intel E6000 series or the QX6700 or Q6600
    chips. They have higher floating point operation capability than the AMD

    I also have heard that there are some driver issues with XP64, but that was
    several months ago. But that was about 6 months ago.
    YouGoFirst, Jan 23, 2007
  3. ryanhay

    JKimmel Guest

    I think it depends on how much money you want to spend. I recently put
    together a low cost ($1100) AMD system that is twice as fast as my much
    more expensive Intel system using similar components. I've seen many
    claims that high end Intel systems outperform high end AMD systems, but
    I've never seen any substantiating data on that. Based on my
    experience, I'll stick with AMD until I see relevant published data that
    persuades me otherwise.

    J Kimmel

    "Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum." - When you have
    their full attention in your grip, their hearts and minds will follow.
    JKimmel, Jan 23, 2007
  4. ryanhay

    ryanhay Guest

    you go! thanks

    i think i have the 920 chip at 3.0 ghz that i can overclock to 3.9 at
    30% now will i see much better numbers using the duo now E6000 series ?

    things change so fast at the time 3.2 was the fastest pent D then 3
    weeks later the duo cames out.

    any other details please let me know.

    ryanhay, Jan 23, 2007
  5. ryanhay

    ryanhay Guest


    can you give me some details old and new machine specs?

    processors, video cards ram and such

    I think soldiworks should give some reports on studies that they do I
    am sure they do testing

    it would be nice to see something.
    ryanhay, Jan 23, 2007
  6. ryanhay

    YouGoFirst Guest

    You can look up some of that info at Tom's Hardware. I just checked out
    their CPU comparison charts. If you have the 920 chip, and are getting 30%
    better performance (MFLOPS test), you are tied with the E6400 chip, and are
    under the E6600 chip. My understanding is that the Pentium chips are quite
    easy to overclock. However, if you look at other tests, such as Multimedia
    Integer tests, the performance increase from the 920 to the E6400 is 4X the
    performance. As for multi-tasking, the E6400 is nearly twice as good.
    YouGoFirst, Jan 23, 2007
  7. ryanhay

    Bo Guest

    "Details", hmmm.

    You can get a really good box that will do all the Internet stuff
    without the malware & virus worries that will also run Win XP fast from
    Apple. Fast, and the warranty is good. No such thing as a BSOD seen
    yet. My MacBook Pro has yet to crash XP, though admittedly, I do not
    run hardly anything but SolidWorks in XP, with an occassional dash of

    Not a bad choice given the B.S. of late regarding whether VISTA is good
    bad or indifferent and whether it will mean anything to the heavy PC
    user of some applicaations like SolidWorks that will continue to run on
    XP Pro for a couple more years, AT LEAST.

    Bo, Jan 23, 2007

  8. If Solidworks were to start publishing their benchmarking tests,
    everybody would know how much slower it's getting with each release, in
    spite of more advanced hardware.

    New cheap computer, 21 sec ship in a bottle/SW2007:
    (Prices include shipping)

    Motherboard ASUS A8VM 70 ebay?
    cpu AMD ATHLON 64 3800 X2 165 ebay
    video QUADRO FX540 PCIE 100 ebay
    memory SAMSUNG 2GB PC3200 147.5 ebay
    memory CORSAIR 2GB PC3200 225 frys
    card reader GENERIC 12 ebay
    dvd GENERIC 35 frys
    hitachi HITACHI 160GP SATA 70 frys
    sg SEAGATE 150GB IDE 80 frys
    case ENLIGHT (USED) 8 freegeek
    power supply RAIDMAX ATX 25 frys
    windows XP PRO 150 frys
    total $1087.5

    New crappy computer, 42 sec ship in a bottle/SW2007:

    Dell 490 with a Xeon 5110 (also tried Xeon 5060) processor and a Quadro
    FX 3500 video card, 4 GB memory: $3200 (not including installation$$$).
    John P Kimmel, Jan 24, 2007
  9. ryanhay

    ryanhay Guest

    well yes i have the 903 overclocked to 3.9 ghz and is stable and cool
    at 41c

    but i could really use more speed maybe i should run it on xp 64 bit
    this would be cheap solution what do you guys think

    ryanhay, Jan 24, 2007
  10. ryanhay

    iQ Guest

    Folks here is what you are looking at.

    XP32, this is a new pickup truck that has air conditioning, nice music
    system, cruse control, all of the features.

    XP64, this is the dump truck. No amenities, manual windows, no radio,
    just a plain big truck. It is not any faster, it just caries a big

    if you are going for XP64 to make the program go faster, it is not
    this. it just allows you to load larger files. iQ
    iQ, Jan 24, 2007
  11. ryanhay

    YouGoFirst Guest

    I had a computer guy tell me that a lot of the basic functions in XP64 are
    faster than XP32.

    As for the analogy of XP being a big dump truck with no amenities, that is
    wrong, it has all of the same features as XP32, the only problem is that not
    all devices have proper drivers.
    YouGoFirst, Jan 24, 2007
  12. ryanhay

    ryanhay Guest

    corect me if i am wrong but my understanding is that sw and xp64 will
    be much faster open up the 3gb limit to something like 50 times more
    (3000gb) and now can process allot more data

    this is from youtube

    anyone using x64 out there?
    ryanhay, Jan 25, 2007
  13. ryanhay

    iQ Guest

    i finished testing in Nov., 2006. i had 2 systems side by side. one
    running XP32, one running XP64, both on new Dell 690 systems.

    i tested on my own product line models. this is the only way you will
    know the results are actual (i never accept winmark or other tests
    times as actual unless it is on my models). i also had full management
    support to allow me to test.

    yes i got faster results on the X64 setup. maybe 1-2% less time, it
    was not a lot. and the lack of drivers drove me away from XP64, my
    location has too many different input devices that would have been a

    Vista was not out until i ended my testing, so i cannot comment on it.

    you may get different times on your models and on different hardware.

    of note: most major computer manufacturers have a 30 day return policy.
    get your managers approval and do your own testing on your models and
    evaluate the hardware before comitting, if you can. i understand that
    most smaller shops cannot do this, i am graced with this ability at my
    location. iQ
    iQ, Jan 25, 2007
  14. ryanhay

    ryanhay Guest

    wow this tells me know way to do it 1-2% what is that link to SW
    talking about then

    you never know who you can trust.

    i am no further ahead after all this.

    ryanhay, Jan 25, 2007
  15. ryanhay

    Bo Guest

    "i am no further ahead after all this."

    Umm, well, I think some of the other results noted from users send a
    message that gives some facts that indicate quite a few things.

    I personally think there is so much change going on with differing CPU
    chips, hard drives (now up to 15k rpm), 32-64 bit, and the maybe VISTA
    thing, that I view any solution today as one where I vote for known
    stability & compatibility, and let the dust settle for a year or two.

    Someone will pipe up and say that I will say the same in a year or two.
    Maybe so. We need stable platforms.

    Stability is to be sought at all costs, or my costs escalate way beyond
    the hardware cost.

    Bo, Jan 25, 2007

  16. The few times we have tried out sw on xp64 it was slightly slower than on
    xp32. But we haven't tried it in a while.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jan 26, 2007
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