New bug - space in user specified name part number

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. SW2005 SP0.1 or SP0.0

    1. Insert a part or assy into a drawing.
    2. Add an Excel based BOM to a drawing view.
    3. Move that view.

    If the part or one of the parts in the assy has a User Specified Name that
    starts with one or more spaces, and on the BOM Control tab you have a check
    mark in the box for Row numbers follow assembly ordering, the system will
    crash when the view is moved.

    You can have spaces in the name and it's ok, as long as the name doesn't
    start with a space. It also works ok as long as the checkbox is unchecked.
    It also works ok as long as you don't move the view.

    This cost us 2 man days of work - hope it saves someone else.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 30, 2004
  2. Hi Wayne,
    Okay, I can make it crash too. But I gotta know...why would you add the
    spaces in the first place?

    Are you reporting this?

    Richard Doyle, Nov 30, 2004
  3. I turned it in.

    The spaces were added probably a few years ago by someone else and this part
    was picked up & reused. The intention back then was to put " - -" in and
    the reason for the space was to move the dashes over a bit. Personally, I
    don't do it, but it never caused a problem in the past.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 30, 2004
  4. Update. It's not necessarily the action of moving the view, it's the
    rebuilding of the underlying part. If you do a CTRL-Q while in the drawing,
    it will crash. If you go to the part and do a CTRL-B, then it will crash
    when you go back to the drawing. Interestingly, if you double-click on the
    BOM, and then click back out, it still works. I would have thought that
    would have crashed it.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 30, 2004
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