Network Security?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Kerry Fontenot, Aug 18, 2004.

  1. I have installed a wireless network in my small business. I have an XP
    machine and a 98SE machine. I was wondering about security. I have read
    several different thoughts about security and so I decided to post to
    AutoCAD because this seems to be the best place for answers. My question
    is - How would a third party firewall operation, such as Zone Alarm, compare
    to the WEP security system built in the wireless system itself? Also to
    consider is the new Service Pack 2 for XP being released by MS and its role
    in security. My security concerns are this - no network intrusion from the
    outside or through the internet (virus or hacking). I currently have
    updated antivirus software installed on each machine, operating systems are
    fully updated (with the exception of Service Pack 2 on the XP machine) and
    have the free Zone Alarm version on each machine that I have been testing
    and also have the firewall option checked in the properties of the
    appropriate connection to the internet on the XP machine The configuration
    of the network is that the XP machine will be the server holding all user
    files for AutoCAD as well as the computer that will be connected to the
    internet and the 98 machine will access the internet through the XP internet
    connection sharing. I have no access point or router on the network at this
    time. The configuration is Ad-Hoc peer to peer. My thoughts are leaning
    toward not using the WEP security system and manage security as described
    above, is this wise? Any and all thoughts and enlightment would be
    greatly appreciated.

    Kerry Fontenot
    Builders Drafting
    Kerry Fontenot, Aug 18, 2004
  2. Kerry Fontenot

    John Schmidt Guest

    Personally, I would STILL use at least WEP. Otherwise, what would you do -
    leave it open access, to be controlled by the firewall? 'Sounds dangerous to
    me. I realize firewalls can control some of these things, but at the very
    least you should have WEP enabled, if not something stronger...

    John Schmidt, Aug 18, 2004
  3. Kerry
    First, get an access point. Next, configure the access point to allow
    connections only to known and listed network adapters. Next congigure your
    adapters to talk only to known and secured access points and configure WEP
    on your AP and workstations. The above steps does a pretty good job of
    securing the wireless LAN portion of of your connectivity. It does nothing
    for the exposure through your internet connection which is why you need
    firewalls, antivirus software, etc. Also consider upgrading the Win 98 OS
    to a more secure OS.
    While it is a good idea to get opinions on forums like this to help you
    evaluate diffrent solutions, consider investing in professional help for the
    actual implementation.
    jerry milana \(Autodesk Consulting\), Aug 18, 2004
  4. Thank you both John and Jerry for the responses.
    Kerry Fontenot, Aug 19, 2004
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