network performance

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bates, Nigel, Dec 8, 2003.

  1. Bates, Nigel

    Bates, Nigel Guest

    we are currently running SW2003 and working from a Project Server and
    getting very bored with the 5-10 mins save and load times achieved
    through our 100Mbit switched network.
    Anyone got ag good peformance suggestion

    Does a gigabit connection improve anything?
    Does antivirus bog things down?
    Bates, Nigel, Dec 8, 2003
  2. Bates, Nigel

    Arlin Guest

    We had similar speed improvements when setting our AV to ignore SWX
    files. I think the server AV can also impact performance.
    Arlin, Dec 8, 2003
  3. Antivirus definitely boggs it down. I have mine set to ignore all SW files
    and ACAD files. For now they are non malitius anyway. I did a test a while
    ago and if I recall it was a 20-30% increase in speed. I don't know about a
    gig connection I have heard the switch over is quite extensive but I am not
    sure about that. I think you would still be held back if your server has a
    slower hard-drive.

    Corey Scheich, Dec 8, 2003
  4. Bates, Nigel

    bob zee Guest

    bob z. has seen a seat-of-the-pants improvement of about 50% decrease in
    load/save times when going to a gigbit ethernet.
    the difference was not 'scientifically' documented, so this number is pure
    speculation, but more importantly, the cost for going gigabit is WELL worth
    we don't work off of the server here, we just move files back and forth a
    bob zee, Dec 8, 2003
  5. Bates, Nigel

    Scott Guest

    I have had customers switch to a gig switch and it didn't improve their
    proformance. If it did anything, it was minimal. The best practice is to
    work locally. If you can't you should look into a PDM software of some type.

    Scott, Dec 8, 2003
  6. Bates, Nigel

    Gary Wolfe Guest


    If you have some spare time, you might try adding or deleting some network
    protocols. I've seen a little improvement by adding ipx/spx especially
    browsing. WinXP (and 2000) loads only TCP/IP by default. However, you can't
    beat local storage speedwise.

    Gary Wolfe, Dec 10, 2003
  7. Bates, Nigel

    Rob Guest

    We do not have a PDM system for SW, not have I worked with one.

    If we did , would that allow us to work locally on models, from our
    hard disks?

    how does this work?

    Does it really work, or is it sales gimmick?

    What such systems are recommended?

    Dont think we've got any chance of getting cash for such a system, but
    if it can be justified by increasing the time it takes to load models
    then they may listen to that.


    Graeme Robinson

    Rob, Dec 10, 2003
  8. Bates, Nigel

    Scott Guest

    We do not have a PDM system for SW, not have I worked with one.
    You check files in an out from the server.
    Yes it really works
    It's an add-in to SW so there are not really HW recommendations
    Talk with your Local VAR. -

    Scott, Dec 16, 2003
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