network licensing

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sam, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. Sam

    Sam Guest

    We are considering network licensing and I have what I think is a
    basic question.

    Scenario #1:
    In this scenario all of our licenses would be converted to network
    We have several licenses of regular solidworks and one license of
    solidworks office. We would like to set up the network license scheme
    so that when a user launches solidworks they can choose either
    solidworks office or regular solidworks. That seems simple and that
    seems like almost exactly the type of functionality that network
    licensing is used for, can anyone confirm for me that this type of
    arraignment is possible?

    Scenario #2:
    In this scenario only the license of solidworks office would be
    converted to a network license, all the regular solidworks licenses
    would remain local. Doing this would allow each user to lauch their
    own license of solidworks from their local machine but when the need
    arises they could also access the solidworks office license through
    the network license. I have been told that this would not work because
    there would be a registery conflict when a user with a local license
    of regular solidworks tries to access the network license of
    solidworks office, can anyone confirm that is true?

    Thanks for any input
    Sam, Jul 3, 2007
  2. Sam

    Jason Guest

    Convert all your licenses to network.You would then install SolidWorks
    Office on everyone computer. When they launch SolidWorks, it only
    grabs the "Office" license if they have an add-in checked that needs
    it. Otherwise they just use the plain SolidWorks license.

    We d the same thing here...we have 25 regular licenses and one Office
    license. Just make sure all your users have the add-in's unchecked.

    Jason, Jul 3, 2007
  3. Sam

    TOP Guest

    We do scenario 1. It works better than you described. What happens
    when you start SW is that you get SW and whatever addins you had
    previously checked off. Since SW put that nifty Office icon on the
    toolbar you need only turn on what you need when you need it and then
    turn it off. This is where network saved us bucks because we need the
    Office functionality from time to time, but couldn't predict where or
    when. Now it doesn't matter. And we can afford to have people running
    SW that couldn't be justified before.

    The second scenario could cause problems because SW wouldn't know
    which serial number it was supposed to be running. Remeber that
    network or not, SW is installed the same on each machine. The serial
    number is in the registry and you would somehow have to tell SW which
    serial number to use. Keep it Simple.

    As a bonus, with the network license you can checkout a seat or if you
    have high speed on both ends run it remotely.

    The one caveat is that once you go network going back is difficult and
    it will cost you. However, with the new licensing for standalones I
    don't think you can do multiple installs on the honor system anymore.

    TOP, Jul 3, 2007
  4. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Something I should have included is that one of the reasons we want
    to do this is so that when we create eDrawings files (edrw or exe
    files) we want the edrawing user to be able to use the measure tools.
    My understanding is that this requires the eDrawing file to be
    published from a solidworks office license, so in this case its not
    really access to any particular add-in that is required. I just want
    to be able to select File, Save As, select edrw from the drop down
    list and have the edrw file that is created be measurement enabled
    (which does not require the eDrawing add-in to be selected).

    If we have just one network license of solidworks office would the
    multiple users be able to share the ability to create measurement
    enabled edrawing files?

    Thanks for you input

    Sam, Jul 3, 2007
  5. Sam

    Jean Marc Guest

    "Sam" <> a écrit dans le message de ...

    Can't answer to that, but you can buy edrawings pro, that is certainly
    cheaper than the jump to SWoffice.
    Jean Marc, Jul 4, 2007
  6. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Unfortunately eDrawings does not provide for a site license so even
    that will get expensive and my understanding is that eDrawings pro is
    not subscription based so when a new version of sw comes out the
    previous version of eDrawings will not be unable to open the newer
    versions of solidworks.

    I am not 100% sure that my last statement was true, can anyone

    Sam, Jul 5, 2007
  7. Sam

    jimsym Guest

    You can get a network eDrawings Pro license for $1495. It believe it
    can be shared among multiple "standalone" SolidWorks users. It can
    also be used to publish eDrawiings with measure and markup enabled by
    someone who does not have SolidWorks on their system.

    There is no separate subscription service fee. Upgrades are provided
    at no charge.
    jimsym, Jul 5, 2007
  8. Sam

    TOP Guest

    We don't have this problem. What you don't understand is that Office
    goes away when you have a network license. In it's place you have a
    license for one concurrent use of any of the Office addins. You don't
    turn "Office" on and off. Everyone has access to all the addins in
    Office on a network license. In your situation if one user uses one
    Office addin then other users will be locked out till that license for
    that addin is freed. But I digress.

    With a network license when you start eDrawings and open a SW drawing
    with it I think you will find that you can save with measure enabled
    regardless of whether SW is running or not. You get three eDrawings
    licenses for every SW seat. So if you have one Office seat you have
    three licenses of eDrawings for Office. That should about cover you.

    I think SW putting three licenses of eDrawings and DWGEditor in for
    every SW seat was a good way to get a company on track. We have seen
    this increase SW usage alot.

    TOP, Jul 6, 2007
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