Network license

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by marco.giusti, Mar 10, 2005.

  1. marco.giusti

    marco.giusti Guest

    I received from autodesk the rows for net's licence for several products installed by you on my net. The server is a W2k and the clients are WXP. The products are: Autocad 2002, Autocad 2005, Inventor 9 pro and inventor 9 series. Using the new licence 's rows I can use all the inventors and all autocad 2002 authorized by you, but I can' t use autocad 2005 because it says that the inventor 's licence is expired and that I have to authorize it with a new code. It isn' t right becuase on the same machine I can use inventor. The purchesed product is complete [Helga Leonelli] with inventor meccanical and autocad.
    marco.giusti, Mar 10, 2005
  2. marco.giusti

    Allen Jessup Guest

    I'd suggest you contact your reseller or autodesk directly.
    Allen Jessup, Mar 10, 2005
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