Network License question

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by RaceBikesOrWork, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. We are currently growing and need to be able to move our SW licenses
    between desktop computers, depending on who is in the office when and
    doing what.
    Does network licensing come standard with SW, or is there addtional
    Where can I find more about this subject? SW help and the web hasn't
    been too helpful.
    RaceBikesOrWork, Mar 19, 2007
  2. RaceBikesOrWork

    Jean Marc Guest

    We payed 1500 Eu IIRC to change from a fixed to a "floating" license.
    Call your VAR, it means money to hin.
    Jean Marc, Mar 19, 2007
  3. RaceBikesOrWork

    TOP Guest

    It will cost you about $500 per seat. If you have a few seats of SW
    Office or other upgraded package it allows those to be shared as well.
    A seat can be checked out on a laptop for road work at which time it
    will not be available for those in the office. Installation is fairly
    easy. You will need an always on machine as a license server.

    TOP, Mar 19, 2007
  4. RaceBikesOrWork

    DT Guest

    We share 4 seats between 10 users using Keyserver from great for us.

    DT, Mar 19, 2007
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