Network license howto SW 2008 + SW2007

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jeppe, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. jeppe

    jeppe Guest

    first a bit of background:
    We have network licenses for SW. We do work for customers. Different
    customers requires different version of SW. Need licenses for 2007 and
    2008 at the same time. Got network licenses for SW2007 on old server.
    Want to move to new server. Got 1 (one) dongle.
    Some users tunnel in thru VPN to get license.

    now the question:
    Which is the best way to manage the Network Licenses?

    Best regards
    jeppe, Feb 8, 2008
  2. jeppe

    fcsuper Guest

    Your SolidWorks 2007 station should be able to run with that 2008
    network license. If not, then I'd contact the VAR for further
    details, and even have them set it up for you (for free, of course).

    Matt Lorono
    fcsuper, Feb 9, 2008
  3. jeppe

    TOP Guest

    If the VAR can't help and the 2008 license doesn't allow the 2007
    seats to run and the EULA allows it I would consider trying to run two
    instances of the license server using different ports. Where the
    problem will come if that works is that you would potentially be able
    to run more seats of SW than you were entitled to.

    TOP, Feb 11, 2008
  4. jeppe

    jimsym Guest

    The 2008 license manager will support SolidWorks clients back to
    2004. There's no problem with having multiple releases installed on
    each client.

    The exception is COSMOS software. The license manager only supports
    COSMOS 2008 products. COSMOS 2007 and earlier would still require a
    separate license manager - but it can run on the same server.
    jimsym, Feb 11, 2008
  5. jeppe

    MJN Guest

    We recently installed a new 2008 Solidnet Licence server on a WinXP box and
    successfully run SW2007 networked clients without a problem (no COSMOS)
    - and were given good guidance on this beforehand from our UK VAR, NTCadcam

    Murray Niman, BAE SYSTEMS UK
    MJN, Feb 12, 2008
  6. jeppe

    Cliff Guest

    For some odd reason I thought you were using ComputerVision or UG.
    Cliff, Feb 15, 2008
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