Network Licence Question

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Monty, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. Monty

    Monty Guest

    We just received our network copy of SW. I know with stand-alone
    copies of SW one can install a copy on a "home computer" Is that
    possible with a Network copy or will I have to be connected to the work
    server? If I need to be connected to the server, is that just during
    the install or will I have to be connected whenever I use SW?

    Monty, Mar 28, 2006
  2. Monty

    Brad Guest

    My info is a year or so old. Our VAR told us we can not install
    licences at home with network SW licences. It might work if you
    maintain a connection to your licence server while you run SW. As I
    understand SW will ping the licence server at regular intervals while
    you work.
    Brad, Mar 28, 2006
  3. Monty

    CS Guest

    Actually it is a home use dongle. It is white instead of green and you
    have to sign a home use disclaimer. and as Keith stated you have to
    get it through your VAR

    CS, Mar 28, 2006
  4. Monty

    Monty Guest

    Spoke to my WAR, he will be setting me up for home use
    Monty, Mar 31, 2006
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