Network Installation Image only allows for single user

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Chuck Blackford, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. We've had a reoccurring problem with our Network installation image of ADT
    2005. It works fine when the first user logs into it and we load the default
    "AutoCAD" profile which redirects some of the "Files" paths to the server.
    It works fine for the first user. However, every subsequent user on that
    machine, will get the "Menu Load Failed" upon start-up. In most cases, it
    appears to be looking for the menu in the users Documents and Settings
    folder. Then, if you attempt to reload the very same profile, that worked
    for the first user, you get the menu load error. The only option is to
    uninstall and reinstall the program. Then it works for the first user again,
    but none of the subsequent users. I've seen similar posts for AutoCAD 2004,
    and a dll that was released for that version... but nothing for 2005. Does
    anyone have any suggestions or know what I might be doing wrong?

    I appreciate any suggestions.

    Chuck Blackford, Aug 20, 2004
  2. For the benefit of the group:
    It appears this problem is being caused by McAfee Virus scanner. When
    On-Acess Scan is disabled, we do not have this problem. I am going to try
    and figure out exactly what setting in the virus scanner is causing the
    AutoCAD Installer to fail for subsequent users after the initial install.
    If anyone has any ideas, I'd sure appreciate it.
    Chuck Blackford, Aug 23, 2004
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