Network install & lame folders

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Gordon Price, Jan 3, 2004.

  1. Gordon Price

    Gordon Price Guest

    So I used the updated Network Install Wizard, and I set all sorts of things
    like the path to plotters and pmps, path to plot styles, default search
    paths, etc. Some got applied (plotters and pmps) and some didn't (plot
    styles and general support paths). In the cases where the paths I set where
    applied, the folders and content was still installed.
    So, two questions.
    1: Is this what everyone else is experiencing, only partial application of
    your settings?
    2: Is there any way to get Acad to NOT create these stupid folders full of
    garbage PC3s, STB and other rubbish, especially when I have specifically
    created and populated folders on the network and then told the stupid
    installer where to find them?
    The truth is I actually like some content in the user folders, but when I
    specify that something be found on the network I don't want Acad creating a
    bunch of local content I NEVER want used. Argh!!

    On a better note, did everyone have a great New Years? We had enough snow in
    Portland that people where cross country skiing to Jan 1st Brunch!

    Gordon Price, Jan 3, 2004
  2. Gordon Price

    Jon Rizzo Guest

    No snow here, but still a good new years. It was in the fifties yesterday,
    so I got a chance to pump all the water off of my swimming pool cover.
    Jon Rizzo, Jan 5, 2004
  3. I am working on this right now.
    I will try to remember to let you know what happens.
    So far the process is very slow.
    Timothy A Green, Jan 8, 2004
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