Network deployment & Take home copy

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Todd W, Feb 25, 2004.

  1. Todd W

    Todd W Guest

    I was directed her from Cad Manager group.

    If we switch to network seats for 2005, how does it work for me if I want to
    put a copy on my home pc to work on when I'm at home? Sometimes it's a pain
    staying at the office late and working.

    Todd W, Feb 25, 2004
  2. Todd,

    In the network license versions of AutoCAD 2004 and AutoCAD 2005, we offer a
    feature called License Borrowing. This feature lets a user connect to the
    server running the license manager and check-out, or "borrow", one of the
    network license seats, which then lets you run the software without a
    network connection.

    If you work at home using your work laptop, you can use this feature by
    borrowing a license on your laptop before taking it home. Or if you work
    from your home machine, you can dial-up or RAS into the license manager
    server at work and borrow a license for the night that way.

    Greg Suppes
    Autodesk, Inc.
    Greg Suppes [Autodesk], Feb 26, 2004
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