.NET and AutoCAD managed assemblies

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bragadiru, Feb 2, 2005.

  1. Bragadiru

    Bragadiru Guest


    We have here a project in .NET 2003 that needs to interact with AutoCAD
    2005. On 1 developer machine AutoCAD is installed and the interaction is
    working. But, on other developres computers without AutoCAD, which AutoCAD
    assemblies I need to register in their GAC (and how ?) to get the .NET
    project compiled ?? And then, can I add the references to AutoCAD assemblies
    through COM tab, too ?
    We cannot buy a copy of AutoCAD 2005 for each developer computer.

    Thanks for any advice
    Bragadiru, Feb 2, 2005
  2. Hi,

    You can install the software on two computers and swap the licence between
    them - or you net get a network licence and use it one at a time.

    Check out subscribing to the Autodesk Developer's Network.



    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Feb 2, 2005
  3. Bragadiru

    Bragadiru Guest

    Thanks, but I'm looking for other solution, not to buy AutoCAD for each
    The other developers are not using AutoCAD, they just want to compile the
    ..NET solution. There is a way to acomplish this ?
    We already have ADN for 5 users, but I just don't want to install it on each

    Bragadiru, Feb 2, 2005
  4. Bragadiru

    Warren M Guest

    Just curious...

    If you are an ADN member...
    Why are you asking something like this on a 'public' forum?

    Can't the ADN answer this for you?

    Warren M
    Warren M, Feb 2, 2005
  5. Bragadiru

    Bragadiru Guest

    Their answer was to buy 100 licenses, one for each development computer. And
    this is inacceptable if I want AutoCAD assemblies only for compiling in 97%,
    and for testing and use in 3%. This is why I'm looking for a solution in
    public forums, without luck 'till now. I think I'm not the only one with
    this issue.
    I'm still looking ...
    Bragadiru, Feb 2, 2005
  6. I'm confused. If a developer does not have AutoCAD, why would he need
    your AutoCAD projects? If this is simply about compiling during
    downtime, you can always use NMAKE to build your projects from a
    scheduled task.
    Frank Oquendo, Feb 2, 2005
  7. Bragadiru

    Bragadiru Guest

    We have a big .NET solution with 44 projects and only 1 project (with 1
    developer involed in it) use AutoCAD (a small task to open a dwg file in
    AutoCAD) :

    AutoCAD2005.AcadApplication acadApp = null;



    acadApp =






    acadApp = new AutoCAD2005.AcadApplicationClass();


    catch(Exception ex)




    // still cannot get autocad application




    acadApp.Visible = true;

    // }

    if (acadApp != null)


    AutoCAD2005.AcadDocument acadDoc = acadApp.Documents.Open(fullPath,
    Missing.Value, Missing.Value);


    if (printIt)





    Trace.WriteLine("AutoCAD application could NOT be started. acadApp is null

    Bragadiru, Feb 2, 2005
  8. I'm following so far but here's where I get lost: why can't that one guy
    compile the code and check in the resulting assembly?
    Frank Oquendo, Feb 2, 2005
  9. Hi,

    And not only that, but no client is going to be able to run this unless they
    have an AutoCAD licence, so there seems liitle point in trying to do
    anything on a computer without AutoCAD installed.

    If you are an ADN member, as Warren said, you should be talking with them.

    Go back to ADN and talk to them till you understand AutoCAD better.
    Rephrase your questions so that your ask the right ones.



    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Feb 2, 2005
  10. Bragadiru

    Bragadiru Guest

    Thanks Frank. You put me back on the right way :)
    My mistake was that I want to install AutoCAD assemblies in the GAC. I just
    modify the Copy Local to true, setting in References for both acad dlls =>
    dlls are in our bin folder of the C# project..
    Now all the developers have references to local bin\dlls => compiling is
    fine. Only ones with AutoCAD installed can open the dwg files.

    Thank you all.
    Bragadiru, Feb 3, 2005
  11. Can we do this legally? I thought an Acad version was needed on every
    machine even to use the libraries.

    Paul Richardson, Feb 3, 2005
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