Nested Xref to regular xref?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by The Real JD, Dec 14, 2004.

  1. The Real JD

    The Real JD Guest

    I've got several drawings that have nested xrefs which i want to change to
    regular xrefs.

    Is there a way to take the nested xref and detach it from the drawing that
    it is nested into and reattach it at the same level as the original xref?

    I know this sounds confusing. So i'll provide and example.


    | +---XREF1.DWG
    | +---XREF2.DWG (NESTED)

    TO THIS:
    | +---XREF1.DWG
    | +---XREF2.DWG (NOT NESTED)

    OR... can I do this?

    | +---XREF1.DWG
    | +---XREF2.DWG (NESTED)


    | +---XREF1.DWG
    | | +---XREF2.DWG (NESTED)
    | +---XREF2.DWG (NOT NESTED)
    (copies the nested xref with same scale and orientation as the nested xref)
    The Real JD, Dec 14, 2004
  2. The Real JD

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    Only if you detach it from the source xref, or change it to OVERLAY in that file.
    OLD-CADaver, Dec 14, 2004
  3. The Real JD

    David Kozina Guest

    See below...

    For what you are describing, this would seem to me to be the better
    R Culp's suggested use of OVERLAY in XREF1 would facilitate this (and still
    allow XREF2 to be available therein).

    I don't know if ObjectDBX can be called upon to modify XREF1 that way, IIRC
    some have mentioned a lack of access for making that type of change. I hope
    I'm wrong, though, since that would be a good way to go programmatically, if
    this is truly worthy of a programming effort. If ObjectDBX is out of the
    question, a script could conceivably accomplish this via perhaps the -xref
    CL command and its options or DXF manipulation? (just thinking out loud

    This is a much worse solution than above, IMO, since (if previous experience
    holds) you will then not be able to detach XREF2 afterwards without a lot of
    hoop jumping... IOW, this is a good first step in tying your drawing up in
    a royal xreffed knot. :-/

    David Kozina
    David Kozina, Dec 14, 2004
  4. The Real JD

    The Real JD Guest

    Thanks for the feedback.

    My intention is to overlay the nested xrefs to get rid of them, but the
    attaching and orienting and scaling of the same xref within the main drawing
    is what i think would be time consuming. I was looking for a way to take the
    properties of the nested xref and apply it to the same xref..

    I can easily run a routine to detach or overlay all the nested xrefs after
    i've duplicated the xref into the the contract.dwg file.
    The Real JD, Dec 14, 2004
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