Nested Block, will what I am trying work.

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rodney Estep, Jul 29, 2004.

  1. Rodney Estep

    Rodney Estep Guest

    Dear All,
    I several titlblocks/sheets that I drive with my software. I have several
    programs that use the titleblocks and do not want to have to edit them.
    What I am wanting to do is have a nested block within wach one of my
    titleblocks with 6 attributes.

    What I am wanting to do is be able to create autolisp routine that will
    allow me the edit the attribute values. I have tryed NENTSEL, and then
    entnext.... and can not seem to get to the nested attributes. Is this even
    Nested block
    att <-- I want to edit this attribute value for example. But
    not change any other insertions of the block?

    Rodney Estep, Jul 29, 2004
  2. This has no error checking and only displays the entities within a single
    nested block
    If blocks were found within the first nested block, the same process would
    have to be performed.
    (defun C:LNB ()
    (setq ES (entsel "\nSelect Block ? "))
    (setq BN (cdr (assoc 2 (entget (car ES)))))
    (setq TS (tblsearch "BLOCK" BN))
    (setq EN (entget (cdr (assoc -2 TS))))
    (while (/= (cdr (assoc 0 EN)) "SEQEND")
    (princ "\nEN=")
    (princ EN)
    (setq EN (entget (entnext (cdr (assoc -1 EN)))))
    Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions, Jul 29, 2004
  3. Rodney Estep

    Rodney Estep Guest

    This did not work but I understand what you are getting at. What I was
    trying to do is not possible. If I have to edit the attribute values for
    the nested block in this way than every insertion of this block will have
    the same values. What I was trying to accomplish was having unique values
    for each insertion. Basically attributes for the block that are only
    editable using my program.
    The resaoning for this is, my program i wrote for this company has 10 blocks
    that program uses. Since they are querky about there layouts I nested a
    block into each block that was common to all. If they needed to change the
    layout I only need to change (2) blocks instead of 10 and this works really
    well. Since they have asked me to add more attributes to the blocks for
    something special I wanted to add these attributes the nested block and then
    make a special app to edit these, would have many advantages.
    Oh, well. I will just have to do it the hard way.

    Rodney Estep, Jul 31, 2004
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