Negative dimensions: why not?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Joel Moore, Aug 1, 2003.

  1. Joel Moore

    Joel Moore Guest

    Maybe newer SW can do this (newer than 2001Plus) but for some reason I
    doubt it.

    I want the ability to change any dimension to a negative number (or even
    zero, for that matter).

    Why is this useful? In my part I have a rectangular cut with a centerline
    that is dimensioned to a plane in the middle of the part. If I want to
    slide the cut to the other side of the center plane I have to edit the
    sketch rather than just setting the dimension to -3. Likewise if I need to
    locate the cut in the center I again have to edit the sketch.

    Yes, I could change the dimensioning scheme to reference one of the outside
    edges rather than the center plane but then I may have to sacrifice other
    things (like design intent).

    It just seems like it should be such a simple thing to add this.

    Or maybe my ProE background has twisted me.

    Joel Moore
    Joel Moore, Aug 1, 2003
  2. Joel Moore

    Joel Moore Guest

    You know what? This appears to be a tired issue. After searching Google
    (after posting, of course) I realize now this has been debated to death.
    SW is obviously never going to enable this ability.

    Never mind.

    Joel Moore
    Joel Moore, Aug 1, 2003
  3. Hi Joel,

    I also find it strange that we can flip the sense of things when
    mating and using offset from surface, but cannot do this with sketche

    Along the same lines, is seem absolutely insane to not be using signed
    coordintes with ordinate dimensions. I have had many cases when my
    zero point (ok not always the ouside of the block) made a hole that
    was .0027" from zero? Buy which way you ask? I don't know, lets just
    guess, the perforator can flex a bit and hopefully not break . . .

    Renee Descartes must be rally pissed that these folks have used only
    HALF of his grand co-ordinte system by presuming that nobody would
    ever need to use a negative value. But hey, you cah always manually
    add a negative in front of the dimension, but lets hope you don't
    change anything to make it move across the line . . .

    Enjoy -

    I agree

    Sean-Michael Adams, Aug 5, 2003
  4. René is a "he" ;=)))
    Jean Marc BRUN, Aug 5, 2003
  5. Joel Moore

    Bryan Player Guest


    I'm with you, this would be such a nice addition to SWX. I have been
    begging for it since 98+ to no avail. I used to run ProE and could
    give dimensions negative values. (ProE handled them kind of strangely)
    But one situation I run into a lot is angular values. What a pain it
    is to have to edit the mate to get something to move from above
    horizontal to below.

    Dear Solidworks,
    Instead of fancy schmancy new features that seem marginally useful
    (like shadows and skins for the feature manager) and concentrate on
    something boring but usefull like negative values.

    Just venting a little

    Bryan Player, Aug 5, 2003
  6. Joel Moore

    Joel Moore Guest

    (Sean-Michael Adams) wrote in

    Actually, it's only 1/8 (in 3D space).
    Joel Moore, Aug 5, 2003
  7. And it's really strange that you HAVE to use negative dimensions in section

    Unfortunately, it seems that the folks at SolidWorks have their heads so far
    up their asses on negative dimensions in any other place that it will never
    get changed. What a waste!

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Aug 5, 2003
  8. Joel Moore

    Jeff Norfolk Guest

    Now you've done it. Your VAR has just out you on their 'black list'
    and SolidWorks has put your email address on a filter that sends them
    right to the trashcan.

    Jeff Norfolk, Aug 6, 2003
  9. They don't provide for opposite directions everywhere and they don't do it
    in a consistent fashion where they do.

    As a very simple example, suppose you are putting a hole in a plate and you
    want it 3 inches from the center line. You put a circle in a sketch and
    dimension it from a center line. Now you decide to put the hole on the other
    side. It would be nice to just enter a minus sign in front of the 3, but you
    can't do that. Suppose you have used that hole location dimension in your
    drawing. If you delete the dimension, you have to reinsert it in your
    drawing. So you have to set it to driven, drag it to the other side, then
    redimension it at 3 inches. Wouldn't it be a lot easier if you could put in
    negative numbers?

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Aug 7, 2003
  10. Joel Moore

    matt Guest

    Does anyone remember that there was a version of SW that allowed you to
    change the direction of dimensions? Ever wonder why the "Modify" box is
    long enough to have an extra button on it? I think it was removed in 97+
    because it didn't work right. whatever.

    If you use "Override dims on drag", you can get dimensions to go a
    different direction. It's not a good solution, but it might be better than
    deleting and recreating dimensions.

    matt, Aug 7, 2003
  11. Joel Moore

    Andrew Troup Guest

    matt points out <<If you use "Override dims on drag", you can get dimensions
    to go a
    different direction. >>

    I agree this is not ideal, but in the absence of ability to use negative
    numbers, it's damn useful.
    So useful that I find it irritating that the command is so inaccessible and
    there are no status indicators.
    My user group voted for and submitted an ER for a toolbar, perhaps living in
    the status bar at the bottom of the screen, with different coloured traffic
    lights for the different sketch settings, identified by tooltips, and with
    the ability to toggle them on and off by double clicking on them.

    Given that some of these settings are powerful and can screw with your
    sketch, you don't want to toggle them on accidentally.
    I hit on the short term solution (which I use for "Override dims on drag",)
    of assigning a multiple key shortcut (I use Ctrl-Alt-O), on the principle
    that I am never going to accidentally invoke something which requires either
    both hands or the technique of a concert pianist.
    It is testimony to how much I use this that I find I can always recall the

    The way I use it for reversing the sense of dimensions is to clear my mind
    of distractions, invoke the shortcut, drag the dimensions across, reinvoke
    the shortcut IMMEDIATELY to cancel it (even if the phone starts ringing),
    then edit the dimensions. If a target dimension is critical, I might type
    the desired figure into the text comment area of that dimension's dialog box
    before I make the change.

    If there's only one dimension to change, it may be more practical to use the
    "Driven"/"Driving" toggle recently added to the RMB context menu.
    Andrew Troup, Aug 7, 2003
  12. Joel Moore

    Ken Bolen Guest

    What do you expect from a program that only finally decided to make a
    global XYZ coordinate axis triad an option to actually be seen now in
    their *last* major upgrade? Never saw the (user's) need to use it

    I gave up before SW2003, but now is there only one point allowed per
    X, Y, and Z coordinate point? It seems like I had problems with SW
    trying to call the same point by 2 different X, Y, and Z
    coordinates...or maybe that was more related to my next comment.

    And what do you expect from a program that allows a separate origin
    from part, to sketch, to sketch?

    Frustrated Non-SW user at work (because of the hangups),
    Ken Bolen, Aug 7, 2003
  13. Joel Moore

    Joel Moore Guest

    You're only talking about assembly mates and feature depths/heights. There
    is no "opposite direction" concept for sketch dimensions.

    If you haven't worked in another CAD system that supports this (i.e. ProE)
    then I suppose you wouldn't understand the usefulness of it.
    Joel Moore, Aug 7, 2003
  14. Joel Moore

    Andrew Troup Guest

    why can't or can we have negative values?<

    This is an interesting question, and a puzzling one, for sure.

    I don't know if D-cubed is the "hangnail" (nice tagline, Paul), or whether
    neg dims simply hasn't worked its way close enough to the top of the master
    ER list at Concord Mass.
    In case anyone's interested, last time I checked on D-cubed's website, there
    was only one other CAD developer who licenced as many D-cubed components as
    SldWks, and it was for a CAD package that doesn't speak English- it looked
    to be a proprietary spinoff from one of the Japanese automakers (Nissan,
    from memory).

    -- -- --
    Personally, and this is probably entirely OT -- so please start a new thread
    if you want to comment on the following-- I have always liked the
    orientation of SldWks, right from the original '95 model, towards mechanism
    simulation, and I have formed the view that their very heavy reliance on
    D-cubed modules reflects and supports this.

    (I don't mean to imply that SldWks 95 could simulate mechanisms in anything
    remotely approaching the way we now can, but among its contemporary peers it
    always showed a lot more potential in that direction, since largely
    realised. From a very early date SW could model space linkages (ie linkages
    which operate in 3D, ie balljointed), although my guess would be that most
    users neither suspected nor could care less.
    I particularly like the fact that this ability is part of the core package,
    hence uses stuff which I grapple with on a daily basis. This inevitably
    promotes intimacy (sometimes rather more than I would prefer) which in turn
    pumps up the tyres on the workaround wagon.

    It seems to have retained that lead in this area. Space Linkage design (or
    verification) is one of the few tasks (organic surfaces are another) which
    NEVER has me wishing I could wind the clock back to 2D drafting.

    --(Gratuitous and contrived link back to original topic warning)--

    If (and this is probably fanciful) the limitation were somehow intrinsic to
    the architecture of D-cubed, AND if this implies that we are forced to
    choose between bleeding edge mechanism simulation and negative dimensions in
    sketches, I'd dive for the bleeding edge.

    "It's better to burn out, that to fade away.......
    They give you this, but you pay for that
    And once you're gone, you can never come back
    When you're out of the blue and into the black."
    Andrew Troup, Aug 11, 2003
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