needing help in plotting to hpgl2

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by florian.bachmann, Sep 6, 2005.

  1. At the moment I'm trying to plot a dgn-file with mdl to HPGL/2.
    Unfortunately I didn't get the running.

    You would make me very happy to give me some tricks to solve my

    At the moment I'm using a workaround by calling a Macro with
    mdl-send-key-in-command. But it works quite unstable, sometimes I get
    System Fault 142
    MDL abort in PLOTCFG
    and sometimes it works.

    So a pure MDL-solution would be perfect.

    What I need is:
    - Plotting a dgn-file with the hpgl2-driver
    - choosing the filename
    - choosing whether to plot the whole file or plot only the fence
    - plot without border

    Paper size and other options are not necessary, since the hpgl-file
    will be parsed with a visualbasic program afterwards, and the scaling
    etc. will be made there.

    Thank you very much in advance

    Florian Bachmann
    florian.bachmann, Sep 6, 2005
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