Need wire label generator for AutoCAD 2000

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Eric, Apr 11, 2006.

  1. Eric

    Eric Guest

    We were previously using Via Wire Label to extract and print wire labels
    from our Autocad 2000. Autocad bought them up and now they no longer exist.
    Our key no longer seems to work. Is there any third party software that
    works like Via to extract the labels that are found in a seperate layer and
    print them? Via was nice because it would grab all the labels no matter
    where they were, not in a table or list.
    Eric, Apr 11, 2006
  2. Eric

    bestafor Guest

    Can you write lisp?
    If so go to and in "get the code" section,
    search for and in the file is tip 1336 or Write Text to File.
    On line (setq txt (ssget)) change to (setq txt (ssget "_P")) so it will
    use the Previous SS. Then run "filter" on the drawing and set it so it will
    create a SS of your text. Run wro.lsp and print the Text file. All this
    could be automated easily in lisp. Hope this helps.
    bestafor, Apr 12, 2006
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