need some help please

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by neon, Jun 13, 2005.

  1. neon

    Cadalot Guest


    I did not forget, I beta tested the first two versions of Visual CADD
    for FastCAD who were the Box shifters for it in the UK.

    I found major Bugs and Error in the launch version and the people at
    FastCAD just did not wnat to know, I even had add on software for it.

    It's moved around quite a lot since then and I did not keep my links
    with the product as it moved form owner to owner.

    Yes based on Generic CADD its got to be value for money and easy to

    Cadalot, Jun 19, 2005
  2. neon

    Bob Morrison Guest

    In a previous post Cadalot says...

    I understand. The early versions did have problems. They got worse
    when Corel took over the product and didn't improve when IMSI
    (Turbocaad) bought it. There are still parts of the software that don't
    function as well as they should. For example, Reference Frames (X-ref
    to you ACad users). It is my understanding that this problem will get
    tackled in Version 6 with significant improvements in behavior.

    Visual Cadd is now in the hands of former users (Tritools Partners) and
    as a result is a much better piece of software. They completely rewrote
    the code for version 5 and are now able to offer bug fixes on a shorter

    In the interest of full disclosure I should point out that I'm VP of the
    VCadd Users Group and have been involved in the beta testing of Version
    5. I also use the software on a daily basis as my "Go To" choice.
    Because I am a former Generic Cadd user I find VCadd a natural choice.
    Bob Morrison, Jun 20, 2005
  3. neon

    Cadalot Guest


    Would the TriTools have anything to do with Noel Browning?


    Cadalot, Jun 22, 2005
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