Need modeling services

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. I am looking for SW modeling services. I draft furniture in 2D AutoCAD
    and need 3D models. I want SW models so I can use them for publishing
    assembly documentation. Some understanding of woodworking joints would
    be helpful but not mandatory. the dwg's pretty much show what I need
    and I can add more detail when needed. I am looking for maybe an
    independant contractor, someone who wants to work at home after work.
    Small workload, maybe 15 items to start.

    Here is the spec I have currently developed. Any comments on the spec
    or people who might be interested.

    1. 3D SolidWorks model reflecting the same part sizes and arrangements
    as detailed in the 2D drawing. The drawings maight not contain
    dimensions but are always drawn to exact scale.

    2. The models must be built as true assemblies with each part modeled
    separately and assembled into the final form such that each part can
    be isolated.

    3. Identical parts should be implemented using the standard multi-
    instance methods of best practice in SolidWorks.

    4. No specifc part or assembly parameters are required. No specific
    constraint methods are required. The modeler may use any of these they
    choose but it should be the mimimun required to create the model as
    described in the 2D drawing.

    5. No 2D views, drawings or details are required.
, Sep 12, 2008
    chrislvtbooth, Sep 12, 2008
  3. Hi SonomaProducts...

    I think a little extra information might help anyone who may be
    interested in replying to your request:

    You want SW models so you can use them for publishing assembly
    So, 1) do you have SW (or access to SW) yourself to be able to
    manipulate the model after receiving it (e.g.exploded views, etc) or
    are you looking for not only the 3D SW model but a series of views
    created with it to make the documentation?
    And, 2) If you want to do that post-model work, you may want to state
    the SW year you need the models in...if you've got e.g. SW2007 you'd
    better make sure that you don't get models from a later edition.
    And, 3) I recommend that you add to your spec. that the assembly model
    passes an 'Interference Detection' test.
    chrislvtbooth, Sep 12, 2008

    zxys Guest

    #2 = Bottom-up design.

    Sadly,... your type of work is perfect for Top-down design and what
    makes parametric design shine.

    zxys, Sep 12, 2008
  5. Thanks for the input.

    1. I'll use the models in SW. I don't currently own it but I'll buy
    the latest version and some add on's. I used to work for Autodesk and
    have Inventor and experience with it but the add-ons available for SW
    fit my needs better. So I'll make explodes, 2D drawings, rendered
    images, etc. I just don't have time to learn how to model like a pro,
    so what I can do in 10 hours I can get done in an hour if I pay

    2. Answered above.

    3. Nice addition. The 2D drawings will be run back through a checker
    but great idea.
, Sep 12, 2008
  6. Not sure why sadly.

    Eventually I will have designs that will benefit from design tables
    and smart constraints and parametrics but for now I just have simple
    stuff... for cost control mostly.
, Sep 12, 2008
  7. Thanks all. I have several responses and I think from those who
    responded I'll be able to find just what I need.

    For those that responded, I'll be sending out an RFP with a sample dwg
    and answering questions posed by each.

, Sep 12, 2008

    Engineer Guest

    In addition to all what all said , will you be looking for some
    rendering also on the models as you need them for publishing or just
    plain models .

    Engineer, Sep 15, 2008
  9. Thanks for the interest. I have the publishing, rendering, drawing
    generation all covered. I just need the base models.
, Sep 15, 2008
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