need line drawing from Solidworks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by scorman, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. scorman

    scorman Guest

    I cannot load the jpeg add-in, so downloaded the eDrawings 2008 viewer
    from Solidworks ... intent was to save edrawing as a jpeg and that
    viewer is really slick.

    BUT I cannot output the line drawing I see when I hit the shade
    button gets saved with all the cool color shading!

    anyone have a workaround?

    Stew Corman from sunny Endicott
    scorman, Feb 7, 2008
  2. scorman

    Engineer Guest

    Hi Stew,

    You can use print screen after you hit the shade button and paste in
    the paint, save as jpeg. The only problem with will the drawing scale.

    Engineer, Feb 7, 2008
  3. scorman

    scorman Guest

    yes, scale is the problem
    did that as first try and pulled into PS ...lacking detail and lines
    come out too jaggy and missing line sections which aren't resolved on
    screen but in real image

    I would like to get higher res if possible

    wondering if any second party viewers are better than SW version??

    scorman, Feb 7, 2008
  4. scorman

    mr.T Guest

    I do not know exactly what are you trying to do, but if you need just line drawing JPG is not the best format to use
    (because of compression) GIF or TIF should give you better output, GIF would be the best choice especially if you plan
    to use it with web


    How about save as PDF from SW and then save it as JPG,GIF ..
    mr.T, Feb 7, 2008
  5. scorman

    scorman Guest

    Odd, but I responded to this post yesterday and it dissappeared

    Tif is fine
    Gif looks terrible ..all jaggies
    no can do, my version of SW only allows eDrawings
    looking for a third party plugin to SW, so I can do some of the above

    scorman, Feb 8, 2008
  6. scorman

    mr.T Guest

    Keep in mind that TIF come in many flavors mostly because of the compression that causes errors in some viewers when
    attempting to open the file, also in general TIFs are larger files

    What version of SW do you use?

    You could share with us little more info about your project maybe someone has better ideas
    mr.T, Feb 8, 2008
  7. scorman

    Guest Guest

    Good .PDF/.JPEG plugin to SWx is Bluebeam....

    Guest, Feb 8, 2008
  8. scorman

    scorman Guest

    I thought I replied to this thread, sorry if you got an email instead,

    second time my answer was never posted (even tho it said otherwise)!!

    repeating in short ...need publication quality line drawing for 8.5x11

    went through WS settings to see if I could turn off shaded and/or
    color ...couldn't find such actions

    just tried using screen grab from WS print preview ( largest screen
    did a screen grab, sucked in PS

    I am trying diff techniques to thichen and smooth lines
    some success:
    eliminated gray pixels with levels, bumped up res 4x, blurred pixels,
    used levels again and it thickened lines significantly

    if I can determine a set of actions, I can save for future use

    appreciate any assistance,

    scorman, Feb 9, 2008
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