Need Learning Ast. for acad 2000

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Kevin, Sep 24, 2003.

  1. Kevin

    Kevin Guest

    Dear all,

    I have the student release version of Acad 2000 and have since bought
    softutor by NVHI as an aid. It came with the book with no Learning Ast. CD.

    Does anyone have the Learning Assistant CD for AutoCAD 2000 that they can
    give or sell me cheap, Please.

    Perhaps it can be snail mailed to me unless you know of a source where I can
    download it from, such as an FTP file name and source perhaps. (I have
    broadband if that helps considering it might by a large file)

    Respond to

    Subject: AutoCAD

    Respectfully yours,

    Kevin, Sep 24, 2003
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