need help with .fas problem

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Davis Parsons, Aug 28, 2003.

  1. How does one make C: routines in one .fas file available to another .fas
    file? To further explain, I have a lisp file with standard routines I
    use that is loaded with all drawings. Other lisp files are loaded as
    needed for engineering design requirements. These later lisp files make
    use of the standard routines previoulsy loaded. When everything is in
    lisp format, it works. If I compile to .fas I get the following error
    message "Error: no function definition: function name." The fas files
    were created with the defaults under the project box. Do I need to
    change the project settings ort do I need to add some other command? I
    have found that in order to use DOSLIB, that I had to add (vl-arx-import
    "doslib2k.arx") to each file.
    Davis Parsons, Aug 28, 2003
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