Need help with DCL multiple_select

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Daniel J. Altamura, R.A., Apr 24, 2004.

  1. Up until now I have never had a need to select multiple items from a DCL
    list box. I have the tile set to multiple_select = true in the DCL, but I
    can't figure out how to convert the results of the selection to what I need.
    The results are the number positions of the selected list items, as a
    string. I would like to convert this string into a list, but how?
    VL-String->LIST doesn't quite work.

    This is what I have: "2 4 6 7 9"
    This is what I want: (2 4 6 7 9) or ("2" "4" "6" "7" "9")

    Is there a better, or easier way to handle multiple selections from list
    boxes? How can I use these results to find out which items have been
    selected? Do I have to parse the string? Thanks for any help. I'm going
    around in circles on this one.

    Daniel J. Altamura, R.A., Apr 24, 2004
  2. There are a few ways to skin this cat; meow.

    Here is one possible way ...

    (setq ItemsSelected
    '(lambda (x) (nth x TheListYouUsedToPopulateTheListBox))
    (read (strcat (chr 40) (get_tile "TheNameOfTheListTile") (chr 41)))

    <In theory> It should work whether you have selected
    no items, one item, or multiple items, though I didn't
    actually try it :S

    PS, I used (chr 40) (chr 41) because I hate stringed
    parenthesis in my code; a peeve.


    michael puckett, Apr 24, 2004
  3. Thanks for the help. I wasn't able to make get_tile work, but I found the
    following function in help, and got it to work for me.

    "The following definition of MK_LIST returns a list containing only items
    the user has selected from the original displist. (In this example, the
    display list displist is maintained as a global variable.) The MK_LIST
    function expects to be called with the current $value of the list box:"

    (defun MK_LIST (readlist / count item retlist)
    (setq count 1)
    (while (setq item (read readlist))
    (setq retlist (cons (nth item displist) retlist))
    (while (and (/= " " (substr readlist count 1))
    (/= "" (substr readlist count 1)))
    (setq count (1+ count))
    (setq readlist (substr readlist count))
    (reverse retlist)
    Daniel J. Altamura, R.A., Apr 25, 2004
  4. I have a subroutine I use to strip a string -

    ;--subroutine to take text with char (ex.~) & create
    (setq LIST_TEXT nil)
    (setq CHAR_LEN (strlen CHAR))
    (setq KKS 1 KKK 1 KKL (strlen STR_TEXT))
    (while (<= KKK KKL)
    (if (= (substr STR_TEXT KKK CHAR_LEN) CHAR)
    (setq LIST_TEXT (append LIST_TEXT (list (substr STR_TEXT KKS (- KKK
    (setq KKS (+ KKK CHAR_LEN))
    (setq KKK (1+ KKK))
    (setq LIST_TEXT (append LIST_TEXT (list (substr STR_TEXT KKS))))

    Call be (GETTEXTLIST "This is a Test String" " ") returns ("This" "is" "a"
    "Test" "String")
    Note that the CHAR can be more than 1 character long - example -
    (GETTEXTLIST "A12B12C" "12") returns ("A" "B" "C")
    Alan Henderson, Apr 25, 2004
  5. Thanks for the routine Alan. I like the fact that you can specify the
    delimeter character.

    Daniel J. Altamura, R.A., Apr 25, 2004
  6. Daniel J. Altamura, R.A.

    John Uhden Guest

    This is the easiest method you can find...
    Presuming (setq selection (get_tile tile)) returns the string "2 3 5 7 9", then
    (setq selection (read (strcat "(" selection ")")))
    will return a list of integers... '(2 3 5 7 9)
    John Uhden, Apr 26, 2004
  7. Thanks John, that does look easy. I will check it out.

    Daniel J. Altamura, R.A., Apr 26, 2004
  8. Daniel J. Altamura, R.A.

    cwanless Guest

    Hi take a look at ObjectDCL from It gives you the ability to extract a list of the selected item strings in the list and it also allows you to extract a list of index values of the selected items in the list as well.

    Thanks Chad Wanless
    cwanless, Apr 26, 2004
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